
The Vine Inter-Church

Primary School

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Year 3 Sleepover 2019!

Year Three had a fantastic time at our sleepover last week. When the bell went at 3 o’clock, we didn’t go home!


The fun started during the day when we made our own delicious pizzas and cupcakes that we later ate for our evening meal. We then completed an orienteering task around the school grounds, reading clues and solving riddles to crack a secret code.


At 3 pm, when everyone else went home, Year 3 had a snack and drink while watching a film. Then we set up our sleeping areas in our classrooms, which was very exciting. After dinner, we began our evening activities. We made hot chocolate on a camping stove in the courtyard, played team building games on the playground and made a special sleepover photo frame. We also sang songs and made s’mores around the campfire, delicious! Luckily, the rain held off just long enough for us all to enjoy these outdoor activities. By the time we had finished all this, it was getting late. We all got into our pyjamas, washed our faces and brushed our teeth. Before we went to sleep, we had a special treat: a bedtime story read by Mr Faris! We all managed to get some sleep and after some breakfast in the morning everyone was delivered back to their grown-ups. We had such a fantastic time! Year Three would like to say a huge thank you to all of the adults who volunteered to help out at the sleepover and made it really special!


Gyaan – The sleepover was fantastic!

Hadia – I loved making the delicious pizzas.

Freya – I really liked making and eating the yummy cupcakes.

Tegan – It was incredible!!!

Ruby Si – I liked watching the film, it was really exciting.

