Our Graduated Response to SEND
When a concern is identified about a pupil, a graduated response is applied:
Universal Provision
- We provide all children with the opportunity to make good progress by making reasonable adaptations to the curriculum, taking into account different needs and abilities. This is called 'differentiation', and may in achieved in a range of ways for example modifications in teaching style, access to a range of resources, level of adult support and/or individual behaviour management strategies. At the heart of this is 'Quality First Teaching' whereby teachers draw on a wide range of strategies and resources that can be used to support learning.
Targeted Support
- If a pupil shows that they have fallen behind or has stopped progressing in a particular area of the curriculum they may be supported for a time limited period in a ‘booster’ group. This intervention will focus on the particular area in order for them to ‘catch up’ with their peers. The support could also be in the form of a specific resource that the pupil is given to use.
- If the intervention works, then the pupil will close the gap and return to making progress. If, despite interventions and targeted support, there is still a significant gap, between a pupil and their peers, then we move to the next level of support.
School Support and Special Educational Needs
For pupils who are deemed to have an ongoing Special Educational need we record their names on our SEN register, which is updated each half term and shared with staff. It may be that support for these pupils comes from within the school team and resources, or that the school requests extra help from outside agencies such as Specialist Teachers or Educational Psychologists.
Specialist support will only be sought when the school has carried out assessments, planned a course of action and reviewed the results over at least two terms, in most cases. Specialist support service require the school to give evidence of the Assess, Plan, Do, Review cycle in order to access their services. The exception to this is Speech and Language therapy.
If, after advice from outside agencies, the school and parent/carer considers that further help is required a request for an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP) will be made to the Local Authority.
The Assess, Plan, Do, Review process (ADPR)
This is the process that we use to ensure that the extra provision we provide for children with SEN is matched to their specific needs.
- Assess: Pupil’s difficulties are assessed through partnership of professionals and parents to ensure the right support is provided at the right time.
- Plan: We work with parents to agree outcomes or targets and review progress towards meeting these regularly.
- Do: The planned support is put in place. This may include specific interventions, strategies and support materials for use in the classroom and strategies to be followed at home.
- Review: The support that has been provided is reviewed with both the parents and the pupil. The impact is discussed and new targets and support provided as necessary.
Supporting children moving through phases of education
When children with SEN are joining or leaving the school we will liaise with the other setting to help your child settle into school and ensure that appropriate provision is in place. We ensure that parents are given the opportunity to share vital information in advance as this is valuable. We also liaise with other settings when a child joins us, or leave us. We have strong links with our feeder preschools and local secondary schools.
As a child travels through the school, information is shared between teachers and the SENCO maintains an overview and ensures that teachers are aware of the SEN in their class, at the start of each year.