Year 6
Welcome to Year 6!
Teaching Team:
Miss Foster, Mr Richardson, Mrs Thompson
Ms Munro
Year 6 Key Documents:
COVID Grids:
If you are learning from home due to COVID, please complete the activities on the grid below.
Medium Term Plans
SATs Information
Year 6 SATs will be held w/c 9th May 2022.
Relationships and Sex Education
Please find below an information booklet for parents on our RSE topic.
Year 6 Home Learning:
Home Learning Expectations:
The Year 6 expectations for home learning are:
- Read for (at least) 20 minutes a day. Record one comment, which is five sentences long, to summarise what you are reading each week in your reading record
- Practise your times tables every week ready for the weekly test (Thursday).
- Practise your spellings every week ready for the weekly test (Tuesday).
- Pick and Mix Home Learning
- CGP books - Complete one 10-minute test from each book per week
Pick and Mix Home Learning:
Please find the weekly spelling test words below.
Spring Spellings
Times Tables:
Please find below the information for the Times Tables Mountain Challenge.
Please follow the link below for more Hilltop information and the latest blog.
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