
The Vine Inter-Church

Primary School

...opening hearts and minds...

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Year 2

Year Two

Summer Term 2 2021

Summer Term 1 2021

Spring Term 2 2021

Remote Learning Grid


Spring Term 1 2021

Remote Learning Spring Term 2021


Remember - as from Monday 25th January 2021 your daily remote learning tasks will be posted on Seesaw  (

You will access your lessons; and submit and upload your learning through Seesaw from this date. 


Don't forget to keep reading every day and practising your spellings. Let us know how you are getting on through Seesaw.


Please still use the website for existing useful websites and general information.



Keeping in Touch

Please be aware, if we have not heard from you by the end of Tuesday each week, we will be contacting you - just to make sure everyone is doing OK, so it would be great to see lots of learning. Thank you!

Weekly Video Calls

Just to let you know that every week we will be arranging a video call with each of you. You will receive a link, via email, for your time, please keep an eye out for it. If the appointment booked is inconvenient please email and we can try and change it to a more suitable time.


(Suggested 15 minutes a day)

Remember to read every day and it's great to share reading with other family members. Also, don't forget the Reading Challenges.

Think about different types of reading material, for example; books, magazines, food packets, instructions for games, websites, to name a few.

Below are some links to online books to read and listen to.


If you are a member of the Cambridgeshire library service you can borrow ebooks, magazines and audiobooks online. Go to the website link below to log in and get more information. Don't worry if you are not a member you can also join by following the link.

'First News' Children's Newspaper

As a school we subscribe to the 'First News' children's newspaper. This week they have given us a link to the digital copy. The link is below if you would like to read this with your child. The Web ID is FNELOCK3


(suggested 10 minutes a day)

Don't forget to learn your Galaxy of Spelling Common Exception Words and ask someone to test you each week. When you get them all right you can move on to the next level. The list of spellings is below.

Spelling Out Words

When spelling out words, in Year 2 we are moving from using letter sounds to letter names, so we tend to do both. What we would do is first ask your child to sound out the word and then together say/write the letter name/s that go with each sound.

When correcting spellings, the most important words to correct are the common exception spelling words, which should also help with learning those spellings. Next are the topic words, so for example in Maths we would expect words like pictogram and tally to be spelt correctly or in Geography words like continent. If you can understand other misspelt words, you need only occasionally correct them.

Maths and English CGP Books

These books, that came home with your Remote Learning Book, have activities to be completed once a week. So the first week of this term is Spring Term Workout 1. This can be done as an extra any time during the week.

Aspiration Enrichment

If you go to the Aspiration Enrichment webpage (under the Learning tab) there are extra topics to have a look at and activities to have a go at. Let us know what you discover.

Click on the fox to find out what you are learning this week.

Autumn Term 2 2020



Our Year Two Nativity, 'The Angel Who Nearly Missed It All' has now been published!


To find the video clips, go to the Learning tab and click on Video Resource Centre. Then, scroll down to Year 2 2020/2021.

Our Maths and English focuses this week are: 



Can I compare money?
Can I add money?
Can I practise my arithmetic skills?


Can I use the co-ordinating conjunctions, and, or but?

Can I use subordination in sentences using, when, if, that, because? 
Can I use joined writing to practise the spelling rule? 

Christmas Production 2020


We have made the decision to go ahead with a Christmas production this year and have chosen ‘The Angel Who Nearly Missed It All’.  Unfortunately, due to the current situation the children will be unable to perform live on stage. However, we plan and hope to be able to record the performance and publish it on the Year 2 website page.


Please look out for a letter next week explaining costumes.

Important Information

Reading Books

Reading books will be sent home on Mondays and should be kept at home for the week and returned on Fridays. Your child will be able to choose two rainbow of reading books for the week and if required, a phonics book as well. The books will then be quarantined over the weekend.

The reading record books will be sent home with the reading books on Mondays and should only come into school on Fridays when they will be checked and returned.



Spellings will be sent home on Mondays and tested on Fridays. These will be the common exception words.



Our PE days are Monday and Tuesday. 


It has been decided that the children should come into school on PE days in their PE kits. Please make sure that they have suitable outdoor clothing and trainers as it can only be outside. 

Please see below our curriculum overview for the year, the half termly overview and the timetable for this half term. 


Welcome to Year 2 2020-2021

A big hello from the Year 2 team!

We are really looking forward to welcoming our new Year 2 on Monday 7th September 2020. We hope you had a lovely summer break and are excited about coming back to school. We are certainly looking forward to meeting you all and have lots of interesting learning activities planned. 

Make sure you go over to the Video Resource Centre to watch a couple of videos introducing Year 2 adults, giving you information about starting on Monday and outlining a couple of activities you can do.
