Courageous Advocacy
“Go and make followers of all the nations. Baptize them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. 20 Teach them to do all the things I have told you”- Matthew 28:16-20
The distinct aims and Christian values of The Vine Inter-Church Primary School underpin every aspect of school life.
We embrace the Church of England’s vision for education, one that is, ‘deeply Christian, serving the common good’, encompasses the whole of humanity and its context advocating for the widening of horizons and the promotion of human wellbeing for all.
‘We are only persons with each other: our humanity is “co-humanity”, inextricably involved with others, utterly relational, both in our humanity and our shared life on a finite planet. If those others are of ultimate worth, then we are each called to responsibility towards them and to contribute responsibly to our communities.’ Church of England Vision for Education, 2016
Alongside the Church of England’s vision our school teaches the 'Methodist' principles in education through spiritual development opportunities and worship, school ethos provision and Religious Education. The Key Methodist Principles of Education 'Do all the good that you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, at all the times you can, as long as ever you can, to all the people you can.' John Wesley form an integral part of The Vine vision and values.
The Vine Inter Church Primary School is dedicated to fostering a love of learning and an enthusiasm for joining in with all aspects of school and community life. We are committed to giving all pupils equal opportunities and discrimination is not tolerated. Our aims, values, vison and curriculum encourages greater involvement in environmental issues and an understanding of complex interdependencies in the global community.
To have a secure understanding of what courageous advocacy is, each year group in the school studies a courageous advocate from across the globe, both past and present, that have faced injustice and have had to overcome barriers in order to help others for the greater good.
We are courageous advocates; all year groups have a global focus studying conflict and peace, fair trade, migration and refugees, sustainability, rights and responsibilities and identity. We are committed to developing citizenship in preparation for life within the local, national and global communities and engage in social action for change and our pupils embrace it. The Vine has been awarded the International Award by the British Council and this celebrates our continued commitment to international learning. The British Values and our Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural development form an integral part of our vision, values and curriculum. We are a multi-cultural community with over 40 different languages spoken; pupils show great respect for one another and are keen to learn more about the faiths, practices and cultures of their friends. We work tirelessly to engage all families and celebrate our rich and diverse heritage.
Pupils, staff, governors, parents and carers actively support a range of charities locally, nationally and globally; we work tirelessly to make a difference to other peoples’ lives.
‘The world is my parish.’ John Wesley. 1739
‘Love Your Neighbour As Yourself’ Mark 12: 29-31
‘I came to give life, Life in its fullness.’ John 10.10
Some of the charities we have supported are:
Toilet twinning in Africa, India and Central America – helping to provide clean water, basic sanitation, and hygiene education. We have twinned over 15 toilets worldwide and raised money to provide safe clean drinking water.
Fairtrade Celebration led by Year 4 working in conjunction with our local Co-op –a culmination of learning supporting small scale farmers and workers marginalised from trade. Pupils learnt about the injustices of conventional trade, which traditionally discriminates against the poorest, weakest producers. Monies raised helped support this worthwhile charity.
Jimmy’s Night Shelter Cambridge. – whole school led by Year 5. – donated over 2000 items of food and sanitary products to the homeless in Cambridge, we also raised money to provide rough sleepers pack of sleeping bag, roll mat, flask, key working support for guest/residents, funds to allow guests to re-engage with family/friends. We worked closely with the local Co-op to provide gift bags for residents.
Samaritan’s Purse – Operation Christmas Child – Whole school – providing decorated shoes boxes packed with gifts for children around the world.
ACT – Addenbrooke’s Charitable Trust – Raising money for the local teaching hospital in Cambridge and where many families have needed treatment.
British Heart Foundation – Whole school – raising money for research
The Children’s Society – Whole school Christingle Celebration at Cambourne Church raising money to support children and young people who are facing one, or many disadvantages such as mental health issues, child poverty, exploitation and refugees.
Water Aid – Whole school project to raise funds for Making water, toilets and hygiene normal for everyone, everywhere.
Educate a child – Whole school raised funds for primary school-aged children in the world have no access to education, the vast majority of them live in extreme poverty. They include children affected by conflict and natural disasters, but also those in urban slums or remote rural areas.
Oxfam – Year 1 led unit of learning to raise funds to buy honey bees, a goat and food for a family in Africa.
Children in Need and Comic Relief – Whole school fund raising projects to help children in our country and around the world who are less fortunate than ourselves.
The school encourages the pupils have a global understanding and embrace the opportunity to inform and educate the school and wider community in taking positive actions for social injustice, human rights, diversity and the sustainability of our world.
We believe we should we should do all the good we can to make a difference to others.
Do all the good you can.
By all the means you can.
In all the places you can.
At all the times you can.
To all the people you can.
As long as ever you can.
John Wesley.