
The Vine Inter-Church

Primary School

...opening hearts and minds...

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Updated May 2023


Our equality objectives are rooted in Mathew 28, and these objectives come from our belief that all of God's children matter: 


  • All learners and stakeholders are of equal value.
  • We see and respect difference.
  • We work to foster positive attitudes & relationships and a shared sense of cohesion and belonging
  • We observe good practice in staff recruitment, retention and development

We are: 


  • Advancing equality of opportunity – between people who share a protected characteristic, and we are eliminating discrimination (see the Equality Act 2010) by (but not limited to): 

Through a broad curriculum, advancing a range for Courageous Advocates who display a range of protected characteristics, marking key calendar milestones such as LGBT month and Black history month. Pupils who need them have bespoke plans and a range of support is available in school to provide personalised education.

Pupils and staff are aware of the forms bullying can take. All are encouraged to challenge discrimination if they see it. Restorative and educational consequences are put in place to ensure we reduce discrimination.

Our School has a high percentage of pupils from all over the world, we value this difference and support pupils with English. 

All are welcome at our school.


  • Consulting and involving those affected by inequality, in the decisions your school or college takes to promote equality and eliminate discrimination (affected people could include parents, pupils, staff and members of the local community) by: 

Parents, pupils’ staff and governors are consulted through courageous advocate selection, regular surveys to gather feedback from across school life and our half termly ethos committee, where issues of valuing all are explored


Equality Measurable Objectives:


  1. To increase the range of BAME staff who apply for posts at school (through increased advertising and advertising in a range of places)
  2. To increase the % of pupils with SEND who make expected progress form KS1 to KS2, year on year.
  3. To continue to promote a range of role models to pupils, year on year. With these role models being reported by pupils as having an impact on their own lives.  

Policies and Other Information
