Cultural Capital
Cultural Capital at The Vine
At The Vine, cultural capital development in pupils is realised through all aspects of the curriculum by immersing each child in a variety of subject areas - thus promoting character-building qualities – 'resilience, confidence and independence' – for physical and mental health to create 'responsible, respectful', well-rounded global citizens and pupils with greater knowledge and understanding. (Ofsted - EIF)
Deep Learning
Our broad curriculum and teaching methods serve to enhance experiences and offer opportunities to all our pupils to maximise their personal, social, physical, spiritual, moral and cultural development. We ensure by enriching our curriculum, The Vine develops pupils' cultural capital by planning curriculum focus days/weeks, celebrations, visits in and out of the school environment to provide the 'essential knowledge that children need to prepare them for future success’. (Ofsted - EIF)
Global Citizens
Our school is diverse and ecumenical in foundation - our focus on being an international school runs throughout our curriculum.
Our international learning has been recognised with the Full International Award by the British Council for our outstanding work. Pupils develop:
- an increased knowledge, awareness and tolerance about other countries, cultures and languages
- confidence in communicating with people from different backgrounds
- more skills to successfully live and work in a global and mobile society
- literacy skills when writing stories and letters for specific audiences
- confidence with their foreign language skills
The Vine School's international partnerships and links with Spain, Kenya, Isle of Man, Australia and Japan enable pupils to gain a greater understanding of local, national, global issues as well as Global Values and fundamental British Values which all serve to develop our pupils into 21st century 'educated citizens'.
Aspiration and Achievement
Equipping children with cultural capital at The Vine promotes social mobility and gives pupils the desire to aspire without necessarily having financial capital. We know that each pupil has his/her unique type of cultural capital and is always given the opportunity to share it and participate with others. Learning and teaching at The Vine is ‘introducing them to the best that has been thought and said, and helping to engender an appreciation of human creativity and achievement’ (NC in England Framework for KS1-4/Ofsted - SIU Jan 2019)
Cultural capital provides an equitable level-playing field for all our pupils to help them secure positive futures and inspire them to ‘succeed in life’ regardless of gender, ethnicity, socio-economic background. It prepares them for their next stage in education and empowers each child with access to knowledge, behaviours and skills needed to achieve their goals in society. The Vine provides Aspiration Enrichment: