Year 2
Welcome to Year 2!
Emerald and Jade
Our teaching team: Miss Little (Jade), Mrs Stewart and Mrs Gawthrope (Emerald)
Additional teaching staff: Mrs Cleland
Teaching assistants: Mrs Richards and Mrs Brown
Our PE days are Tuesdays (indoor) and Thursdays (outdoor). Children will need to come to school wearing their PE kids on these days. They will stay in their PE kits all day. If your child wears earrings, please make sure they are removed before school on PE days.
Reading Records
Every child has been given their own reading record. Please record what they read each day at home. The expectation is that they will be reading at least 4 times a week at home to build their reading fluency and understanding. We ask for pupils to bring their their reading records into school every day. We will be checking them every Tuesday to monitor their reading progress and to put their weekly spellings list in for them to practise at home.
Our weekly spelling tests are on Tuesdays. We will send home the list of words to practise every Tuesday, and go through them together in school on Thursdays. Please help your child practise them at home so that they become fluent spellers and writers - the words they are tested on are frequently used words, and so the more familiar they are with reading and writing them, the better!
Spelling activities will be available electronically on The Spelling Shed, where your child can access a range of activities. It can be accessed here: The Spelling Shed. They should aim to complete at least 3 spelling activities each week. Spellings can also be practised using a range of handwritten methods, such as:
- Look, Cover, Write Check
- Rainbow Writing (e.g. beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful)
- Waterfall Writing (e.g. below)