
The Vine Inter-Church

Primary School

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Year 5

Welcome to Year 5! 

Teaching Team: Mr Johnson, Miss Miles, Miss Evans & Mrs Arthurs

18/04/22 - We hope you had a fantastic Easter break and have enjoyed the sunshine it brought. We are looking forward to welcoming you back at school.

A few reminders for this term:

  • All indoor shoes went home before the end of term, so all pupils must remember to bring in a pair of black indoor shoes (no sliders).
  • You should be reading every day for at least 15 minutes. Make time for it in your home routine, it should be an enjoyable activity and is school non-negotiable.
  • PE days for this term are Tuesday (outdoor) and Wednesday (outdoor).
  • We will be setting two activities per week for you to complete at home to support your learning development. Remember, these are non-negotiable.


13/01/22 - Welcome back Year 5! We hope you had a good Christmas break.

A few important reminders:

  • All pupils must have a pair of black indoor shoes (no sliders) at school to wear every day. 
  • You should be reading every day for at least 15 minutes. Number of Accelerated Reader quizzes vary by book but we expect a quiz at the very least every 2 weeks if reading a long chapter book. Every 2 days if reading a short book.
  • PE days are Wednesday (outdoor) and Thursday (indoor).


2/11/21 - Well done for a great first half term of Year 5. Now we have started our second half term, just a reminder that we expect pupils to be practising times tables and spellings at home daily (just a short 10 minutes a day) and doing 15-20 minutes of reading. Each week we should see 5 comments in reading diaries. We would like reading diaries to be brought in on Fridays so we can send them back out on Monday.


3/09/21 - We hope you had a fantastic summer and have enjoyed your first few days of Year 5. On this page you will find key information from your teachers including times tables, planet spellings, notices and a 10-day remote learning grid.


We are looking forward to a brilliant year with you all.

Year 5 Sleepover


As you are all now aware, we will be holding a Year 5 Sleepover on Friday 17th June 2022 - Saturday 18th June 2022. Below you will find a link to a parent presentation video which outlines what is going to happen and what you need to do next.


Year 5 Sleepover Parent Presentation

In Year 5, we will have a weekly spelling test on the planet spellings. You need to practise your spellings at home every day to support your learning. After getting them correct two weeks in a row, you will move onto the next galaxy.


Times Tables & Maths Skills

Use Maths Frame to practise your times tables and maths skills to develop your confidence. 

There are lots of activities to choose from.

If you would like to practise more problem solving challenges then try some nrich activities. 

