
The Vine Inter-Church

Primary School

...opening hearts and minds...

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Our definition of Spirituality:


Our school explores spirituality through connections with others and engaging with the wider world with love, we believe spirituality is about doing the work of Jesus.  

We explore beliefs and experiences; respect faiths, feelings and values; enjoy learning about ourselves, others and the surrounding world; use imagination and creativity; we actively reflect. All with the purpose to develop connections of love with ourselves and others. 


Matthew 28 demonstrates how Jesus expected us all to work together to share his message to "all nations" (The Great Commission). At our school, a key section of our Vision is our commitment to developing “love” in its many forms. The development of spirituality is a vital way for us to foster a love of God and a love of one another. We are all encouraged to develop our spirituality through regular meaningful worship, reflection on the joys helping others brings us, a curriculum that encourages questioning with knowledge and a commitment to connecting with the Christian community near and far. Leaders allow for this to happen through deliberate planning, environmental considerations and developing a Family culture across the school. Through collection and love we all develop our spirituality. 


As inspired by Wesley and the global nature of Anglicanism we believe religion is not solitary; through engaging with the community, each other and those in the world who inspire us as role models of love we are able to develop as spiritual beings. Each year as we explore new global values and courageous advocates our understanding of spirituality develops and evolves.


Listed below are some practical examples of how we develop spirituality at our school: 


Pro-Social Behaviour and Rewards

As you may be aware, each year group within the school takes part in a pro-social reward system. The class or year group help to decide on two pro-social reward recipients or activities and every time a child is seen to be doing something pro-social during the school day they are rewarded with a bead. The child chooses which pro-social reward jar will receive their bead and when a jar is full, that particular reward is earned.

Pro-sociality has been defined as a positive, voluntary, and altruistic behaviour - the delivery of help or a benefit to one or more people which has a major positive impact on personal and social quality of life. Pro-social activities might be demonstrated by pupils sharing toys and resources, helping their friends, assisting a member of staff, tidying up the classroom or teaching/supporting other children with their learning.


Helping one’s neighbour is a theme that is common across religions. As a value, it establishes norms and procedures for aiding others, being part of a religion entails a feeling of unity and responsibility for others, as well as a tendency to search for the common good. According to Jesus' teachings, one’s neighbour is a peer who is often weaker or needy. We should treat our neighbours as if they were oneself; therefore prosocial treatment is sought through unconditional love toward others: “Cry beside those who cry and rejoice when our brothers enjoy victory”


"Do All the Good You Can,
By All the Means You Can,
In All the Ways You Can,
In All the Places You Can,
At All the Times You Can,
To All the People You Can,
As long as Ever …
… You Can!"

John Wesley’s Rule for Christian Living


Pro-social behaviour fits perfectly with our school vision to encourage our pupils to show a love of one another and mankind itself. Our vision inspires the whole school community to engage in social action and to be courageous advocates for change in our local, national and global communities. We recognise that life is full of ups and downs and that at times all people will face challenges that they need help and support in overcoming. We aim to instil the values of service and compassion for others among our pupils. Our Christian values ensure that opportunities to discuss the big issues, to challenge injustice and to engage in activities that can bring about change are always present.

FS2 Pupils tell us more about it

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