At the Vine, we take great pride in our Art and Design learning. It is an integral part of the school and links to many other subjects taught in our broad curriculum. Pupils are encouraged to explore their thoughts and ideas through their imagination. Pupils develop their knowledge and understanding by having opportunities to practise their skills. They learn about the achievements of artists, designers and crafts people from many different times and cultures and are encouraged to share their ideas and evaluate their learning through a critical lens. We encourage our pupils to reflect and think about what they are creating in a meaningful way. This allows a platform to recognise and celebrate the diverse culture of our school through the medium of Art and Design.
At the Vine, Art and Design is planned carefully to allow children from Foundation stage up to Year 6, exposure to a range of skills, building and mastering techniques so by the end of their time with us, will be proficient in drawing, painting, sculpture and other forms of art and design techniques. End of year expectations and detailed progression maps for the whole school support accurate assessment in art and ensure a dynamic and exciting curriculum is offered.
How does Art link to our School Vision?
This is our school. Let peace dwell here – At the Vine, we nurture creativity through our thinking and express this through our Art. Pupils are encouraged to take time to reflect and question and develop a sense of awe and wonder.
Let love abide here – we take pride and care about our pieces of Art. The Vine community of adults and pupils celebrate and value the art work displayed throughout the school.
Let the rooms be full of contentment - Each year, the children build upon previously learned techniques and learn new skills. Pupils are given opportunity to experiment, deepen their understanding and celebrate their achievements.
Let us remember that as many hands build a house, so many hearts make a school – each piece of artwork is personal and special to the pupils but as a collective, it adds value to the celebration of Art as a whole at the Vine.
Links to Christian and British Values
The British values and the Spiritual, Moral and Social and Cultural Development (SMSC) form an integral part of the Art Curriculum. Each pupil has the opportunity to learn about different cultures and reflect on their learning. Pupils develop an awareness of different cultures and cultivates tolerance. It sparks a love of learning and deep critical and creative thinking. The Art Curriculum allows children to think responsibly about how they impact the world around them. It allows teamwork and build resilience through a range of activities. Creating and sharing artworks fosters a deep level of respect and nurtures a love of life and expression. At the Vine, the Art Curriculum not only includes but embodies the British Values and SMSC.
Art Curriculum
Art Action Plan 2024-2025
Art Club
During Spring term the children of Year 1, 2 and 3 have been busy learning about Claude Monet. They studied his amazing work and created their own art pieces based on his famous waterlilies. Over the weeks they explored different techniques using oil pastels, watercolour paint, clay and acrylic paint.