
The Vine Inter-Church

Primary School

...opening hearts and minds...

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Year 1

Welcome to Year 1!

In Year 1 we have 2 classes, Amber and Topaz. Miss Davenport is the class teacher based mainly in Topaz class. On a Monday to Thursday Mrs Bennett teaches in Amber and on a Friday it is Mrs Cleland and Miss Smalley.  Mrs Lee, Mrs Richards and Mrs Smith are teaching assistants who support our learning across both classes. 

Below you will find lots of information which we hope you will find useful. This includes copies of our timetable, planning, letters sent home and helpful resources and websites. 

Important information

We have PE every Tuesday and Friday afternoons. Please can you ensure your child has their PE kit in school and that every item of the kit is named. 


We hope that all pupils are reading at home daily and we check Reading Records each Monday. Can you ensure that this is in your child's bookbag. We ask the pupils to change their books daily when they come in first thing in the morning. This is something which they do independently. If your child is not bringing a book home then please let us know. 

Phonics Screening Meeting
