Year 4
Welcome to Year 4!
Miss Foster, Mrs Gawthrope
Mrs Wales, Miss Hurry
Year 4 Timetables:
Medium Term Plans:
Year 4 Home Learning:
Pick and Mix Project
Year 4 are expected to complete at least 4 tasks from the pick and mix gird which can be found in their red home learning book. Compulsory tasks include Maths, English and RE. Please check the date on the grid for the deadline.
Multiplication Check
In Year 4, pupils take a Multiplication Check in the Summer Term. This will be taking place during the week commencing 12th June 2023. Extra practise at home is extremely beneficial. Please see the link below to MathsFrame which has a variety of free games to help the embedding of multiplication facts.
Weekly spelling tests will be every Monday.
These tests consist of 10 words based on the weekly spelling rule. Children are expected to practise their spellings through completing the activities set on Spelling Shed each week.
Children should be reading for 10 minutes every day in Year 4. Please find more information about Accelerated Reader in the following document.
Information/Letters for Parents: