
The Vine Inter-Church

Primary School

...opening hearts and minds...

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British Values


A key  aspect of us living our Christian Vision is to be internationally minded and to teach pupils about other “nations” (as directed by Jesus in Mathew- 28). Our school Vision Prayer exemplifies this trough the line; “a love of mankind”.  This belief in looking globally also means we take pride in British values and teach pupils about modern British values. 

The DfE have recently reinforced the need “to create and enforce a clear and rigorous expectation on all schools to promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.” These values form an integral part of the ‘Prevent’ Strategy set out by the government. The Vine Inter-Church Primary School is fully aware of its responsibility under the Prevent Duty 2015. The school recognises its responsibilities to prevent and protect children from extremism; this fits within its duty of child protection and safeguarding.


The British Values and SMSC (spiritual, moral, social and cultural development) form an integral part of the aims and values of The Vine. We support this by providing a stimulating, inclusive and relevant learning environment that promotes personal development, a growing understanding of self, alongside a respect for others, a positive attitude towards life and learning and resilience for facing challenges. Pupils have opportunity to learn through first-hand experiences both inside and beyond the classroom incorporating different learning styles. Our daily worship led by both adults and pupils is highly regarded by everyone and is an essential part of school life. It provides an environment for quiet contemplation and opportunities for reflecting on what we value, hope and strive for and believe in. We strive to enable our pupils to think for themselves by providing valuable opportunities for discussing, debating, researching and questioning, set within the context of learning based on sound knowledge and understanding. The Vine’s comprehensive audit of learning enables us to track the different ways we celebrate our rich and diverse heritage, the languages spoken, our commitment to discrimination and the importance of promoting equality.


Our latest Ofsted Inspection stated that – ‘The curriculum and additional activities actively promote the pupil’s spiritual, moral cultural and social development and prepare them well for life in 21st century Britain. The school mission statement – ‘all are welcome here’ is reflected in the way pupils respect each other’s beliefs and cultures. The school is committed to giving all pupils equal opportunities and discrimination is not tolerated. Pupils are well prepared for their life ahead and understand British values of tolerance and democracy.


Our latest SIAMS inspection rated the school ‘outstanding’ at meeting the needs of all the learners. ‘The Christian character of the school very effectively supports their spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development, regardless of whether or not they share the Christian faith. Older pupils are keen to take on responsibilities of caring for other children, and do so effectively as play leaders or peer mediators. The school is a multi-cultural community, and pupils show great respect for one another, always keen to learn more about the faiths and practices of their friends who follow another religion. They showed considerable depth of knowledge about major world religions. Governors and staff share the vision to ensure that the school is committed to serving the community of Cambourne and to strive to ‘open hearts and minds’. This is clear in the way that the well-being of all in the school community is of the utmost importance.’


Here are some of the ways we celebrate the British Values at The Vine.


Being part of Britain.

Our curriculum encourages and develops citizenship in preparation for life within local, national and global communities and our pupils embrace it. To further enrich our curriculum, planned focus days, weeks and whole school celebrations take place across the school and throughout the year. Our curriculum and international learning reflects, celebrates and teaches our pupils about diversity. In RE the pupils learn about Christianity alongside, Judaism, Islam Hinduism, Sikhism and Buddhism. We have forty three different languages spoken and they are celebrated across the school. Throughout the year we celebrate our British culture such as Harvest, Christmas, Mothering Sunday and Remembrance Day. All classes take visits out to sites which celebrate our cultural heritage. Our humanities curriculum ensures we learn, understand and reflect upon key historical events which have impacted lives in Britain such as: The Battle of Britain, World War 1, The Windrush and the Fire of London. Pupils learn about key British historical figures such as Winston Churchill, Queen Elizabeth, Guy Fawkes, David Livingstone and John Wesley to name a few.

British Values at The Vine


Here are some of the ways in which we teach and learn about democracy at The Vine


  • Headteacher for the Day: As part of our Rights and Responsibility PSHE learning, pupils explore the qualities that make a good leader and apply to be part of the school leadership team for the day.

  • Pupil Voice: All pupils at The Vine have a say. Pupil forums are held to discuss issues that affect the school.

  • Pupil interview: Staff subject leaders interviews take place each year where by pupils give their opinion on how the subjects are taught, how they learn and what they enjoy most. This information informs future school development plans.

  • Speed dating: Pupils are actively involved in the appointment procedures of new teaching staff.

  • Being involved in the local, national and global community through fund raising projects such as: Toilet Twinning, Fairtrade, Sports Relief, Jimmy’s Night Shelter in Cambridge, local hospice and local food banks.

  • Peer Mediators: After an interview and training process Year 6 pupils are actively involved in supporting playtimes by helping sort out friendship issues; they work closely with lunchtime staff.

  • Play Leaders: After an interview and training process Year 6 pupils lead playground games with the younger pupils at lunchtimes.



    Here are some of the ways in which we teach and learn about The Rule of Law at The Vine


  • Through the Vine school values and ethos which are embedded.

  • Through our RE curriculum.

  • The school prayer which is painted on the walls around the school and is also spoken by all in assembly.

  • School-Parent/Carer-Pupil Protocol which parents/carers, pupils and teachers sign help everyone understand their responsibilities and work together towards the same goals.

  • Our whole school positive behaviour policy means there is an expectation that all pupils will make the right choice.

  • School/Class/Playground rules which are revisited each year in PSHE are displayed around the school.

  • Vine Langauge: all adults consistently use the same language when addressing pupils – Where should you be? Do the right thing. Talk and I will listen.

  • Through the Cambridgeshire PSHE curriculum.




Here are some of the ways in which we teach and learn about Individual liberty at The Vine


  • Promoting freedom of choice and the right to respectfully express our views. In a safe learning environment all pupils and adults can raise controversial questions and concerns without fear of reprimand or ridicule and explore boundaries of what is acceptable will encourage an open attitude to multi-cultural and race issues.

  • Through pupil forums, class debates.

  • In whole school/Class collective worship

  • Through our RE curriculum thinking about those with different faiths or no faith.

  • Through our PSHE curriculum being taught how to use choices and freedoms safely: e-safety, drug awareness education, sex and relationship education and anti-bullying.

  • Through self and peer assessment and responding to feedback and marking.



    Here are some of the ways in which we teach and learn about mutual respect and tolerance at The Vine


  • The Vine is a culturally diverse community; 43 different languages are currently spoken. The school mission statement,' all are welcome here', is reflected in the way pupils respect each other's beliefs and cultures. The Vine is committed to giving all pupils equal opportunities and discrimination is not tolerated.

  • All year groups have a global focus and study, conflict and peace, fair trade, refugees, sustainability, identity and rights and gain a greater understanding of how Britain sits in the global community.

  • Parents/Carers of all cultures are actively involved in enhancing the school curriculum.

  • Celebration of different religious festivals and world events

  • We are an inclusive community; behaviours which are contrary to the British Values are actively challenged and not tolerated. It is expected that all pupils and adults at The Vine will treat everyone with respect whatever their race, gender, sexual orientation, religious belief, special need or disability




  • We believe we effectively promote the pupils' spiritual, moral, cultural and social development and prepare them well for life in 21st century Britain.

  • The British Values form an integral part of our aims and values at The Vine.

  • The school mission statement,' all are welcome here', is reflected in the way pupils respect each other's beliefs and cultures.

  • The Vine is committed to giving all pupils equal opportunities and discrimination is not tolerated.'

  • We celebrate our rich and diverse heritage, the languages spoken, our commitment to prevent discrimination and the importance of promoting equality.

  • We encourage our greater involvement of in environmental issues and an understanding of complex international interdependencies in the global economy.

  • We ensure all year groups have a global focus and study, conflict and peace, fair trade, refugees, sustainability, identity and rights. The Vine was awarded the International Award by the British Council and this celebrates our continued commitment to international learning.

  • We are committed to encouraging and developing citizenship in preparation for life within the local, national and global communities and our pupils embrace it.

