
The Vine Inter-Church

Primary School

...opening hearts and minds...

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Young Carers

Are you a Young Carer?


A Young Carer is someone under the age of 18 who has caring responsibilities for a family member at home.


They may have:


  • A serious or long-term illness

  • A physical disability

  • A mental health problem

  • Problems with drugs or alcohol

  • A learning disability

  • Difficulties in coping with being a parent or carer


Young Carers may carry out tasks and household jobs like:


  • Preparing and cooking food

  • Helping with personal care and hygiene

  • Giving medication

  • Communicating on someone’s behalf

  • Ensuring someone’s safety

  • Providing emotional support

  • Paying bills


If you are a Young Carer, doing some of these tasks might make it hard for you to come to school or affect your ability to focus and concentrate to the best of their ability when you are here.


You may:


  • Be regularly late for school or have poor attendance

  • Often seem tired, withdrawn or preoccupied

  • Have difficulty in joining in activities outside of school hours (e.g. after school clubs or residential visits)

  • Be a victim of bullying or have difficulties forming friendships

  • Be under-achieving academically

  • Not hand in homework

  • Appear anxious and worried

  • Display emotional or behavioural problems

  • Have physical problems such as back pain from lifting adults


As a Young Carer, you might also:


  • find that you can't go out with your friends

  • be confused or angry about the situation at home

  • have problems at school because of your reponsibilities at home

  • feel alone and unable to talk to anyone about your situation

  • need help with the caring




At The Vine, we want to ensure all Young Carers are offered support. This may vary for different pupils but a core offer is given to all of our Young Carers.

  • Group mentoring session faciliated by our Kick Coach Chaplain 
  • Counselling sessions (if required) 
  • Safe spaces 
  • Dedicated time with our Young Carers Champion 
  • Priority spaces for all extra curricular clubs


We seek to raise awareness of this issue so that any child acting as Young Carers can be identified and supported. Pupils already identified as Young Carers know that they can speak to any member of staff if they feel they need extra support.


Our Young Carers Champion is Mrs Bransbury who can be contacted via the school office. 


At The Vine we work closely with and are guided by the work of Centre 33. All of our Young Carers are referred to Centre 33 to see if any additional support may be available to them. 


KS2 Young Carers day out to Cambridge

This week our Key Stage 2 (Years 3 - 6) Young Carers went on a fun day out to Cambridge.


We took the number 4 bus from Cambourne to Cambridge City centre, of course sitting on the top deck! Once we arrived we headed to Michaelhouse Cafe which is inside an old church building where we got to choose a cake and a drink. The cafe staff had set us up our own table and made us feel really welcome. 


We then took a walk through the city past big groups of students who were gradutating and wearing their special robes and outfits. The next stop for us was the Fitzwilliam Museum. We managed to see almost all of the different sections. 


For lunch, we stopped at a shop and chose our own lunches and then headed along the river, where we saw lots of people punting and boating, to Jesus Green to have a picnic together. Once we'd eaten we had some time to play in the playground before we left. 

Before we went to the bus stop we went in search of cows, and we found some! They were really lovely and we managed to pet them too.


Then it was time to head to the bus stop and board the number 4 back to Cambourne. 


