“Go and make followers of all the nations. Baptize them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.20 Teach them to do all the things I have told you”- Matthew 28:16-20
We live the example set in the Great Commission (Mathew 28) and when we plan our SEND decisions we always remember that:
This is our school. Let peace dwell here
Let the rooms be full of contentment.
Let love abide here.
Love of one another, love of mankind, love of life itself and love of God.
Let us remember that as many hands build a house, so many hearts create a school.
Offer of Special Educational Needs and Disability Provision at The Vine School Inter-Church Primary School
At The Vine Inter-Church Primary School we pride ourselves on our inclusive ethos and our commitment to providing an appropriate and high quality education for all our pupils. We believe that all children, including those identified as having special educational needs and /or disabilities (SEND) have an entitlement to a broad and balanced academic and social curriculum. A pupil is considered to have a Special Educational Need and/or disability if he or she has defined difficulties over and above those generally experienced by the majority of children of the same age. For pupils with identified SEND needs we make many adaptations to our educational provision and the school environment in order for all pupils to be fully included in all aspects of school life. We identify barriers to learning as they arise and provide appropriate support to enable every child to achieve his or her potential. SEND may be an explanation for delayed or slower progress but is not an excuse and we make every effort to narrow the gap in attainment between vulnerable groups of learners and others.
If you think your child has SEND please make an appointment to discuss your concerns with our SENCO - Gemma Coe
The member of the school’s governing body with responsibility for SEND is Anne Rees.