
The Vine Inter-Church

Primary School

...opening hearts and minds...

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Year 2

Welcome to Year 2


Teaching Team: Mrs Stewart, Mrs Westwood, Mr Harvey, Mrs Cleland and Miss Milner

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Hien



Summer 1

Please check the website for useful information for this term.


PE will be on a Monday outdoors and Thursday indoors. Please ensure named kit is in school for these days and any piercings have been removed or covered. 

Reading Records

Your child's reading record will be checked every Tuesday, we expect your child to read at least 3 times a week. Please make sure their reading record is in their bags daily


Your child will be taught the new spelling rule each Thursday and tested on the following Tuesday. The spelling list will be stuck into their reading record weekly for you to practice at home. These will also be assigned weekly to your child on Spelling Shed. You can find their login information on the inside cover of their reading record. 

Remote Learning Grid 2022 - 2023
