
When I arrived in April 2001, the idea of having a church school in Cambourne was already being talked about. After careful investigation and reflection a steering group was formed as the local church recognised that a church school could have a massive impact for good in our local community. Being a multi-denominational church it was clear from the outset that this should be a school sponsored by more than one single denomination.
At the public meeting in summer of 2004, I argued for a school where there was:
- academic excellence;
- care for the whole child;
- a desire to enable children to grow in spiritual awareness;
- and a resource within the local community.
Unlike some church schools which have religious admissions criteria we saw no place for favouring those who went to church when it came to access to the school. Our desire was to offer to the community a school with a broadly Christian character but one in which all faiths were valued and all people encouraged.
Rev. Peter Wood
Feb 2010
The Vine Inter-Church 10th Birthday Celebrations
This year The Vine Inter Church Primary School celebrated its tenth birthday!! The Cambourne Church, Church of England and the Methodists, Governors, Architects and builders, Debbie Higham and Ali Cooper came together; sharing their thoughts and ideas to build a school. They were joined by teachers, teaching assistants, The Vine Café and parents, carers and of course pupils! On 5th September 2005 a new school was created as 12 members of staff welcomed 88 pupils to The Vine School.
Since 2005 the school has grown and flourished. We have added a Breakfast and After School Club and even a Pre-School. We have welcomed over 1000 pupils who have been taught by a dedicated team of teachers and teaching assistants helped and supported by the fantastic office team and the cleaning team.
We wanted to remember this special occasion; the pupils, teachers and Governors worked together to think of ways to celebrate. An artist was commissioned to make a piece of work that was unique and that could be enjoyed by all the school. A Vine has been created that will grow from the heart of the school, winding down a central pillar in the front entrance. What a fantastic birthday present. The Vine Volunteers who work tirelessly for the school have funded our Solardome; an exciting outdoor classroom to be enjoyed by all.
Of course you cannot have a birthday without songs, a party and cake, so this summer we celebrated our tenth birthday with a Thanksgiving Service. All the pupils and staff recorded a cd of our favourite ten songs which included: We are the pupils of the Vine School, Happy and Sing! The front and inside covers were designed by two pupils.
On the day of our Summer Fete we held our special Thanksgiving Service; past Governors, teachers and teaching assistants were invited. Members of the local authority, representatives from Ely Diocese, the Methodist Church and the Parish Council joined us. We were so proud to celebrate the event with Bishop Stephen our honoured guest; he has been very much part of our school as it was him who officially opened The Vine. We lit the candles on the Birthday Cake and sang Happy Birthday.
After our Thanksgiving Service which was led by Debbie Higham, our special guests joined together to enjoy tea and cake in our Reflection Courtyard. Bishop Stephen and the Chair of Governors delivered a present of a cross to every class and learning area in the school.
The special day was topped off by our fantastic Tenth Birthday Summer Fete! The fete was opened by 500 purple balloons floating high up into the sky. The sun continued to shine on us all through the evening. What a fantastic way to celebrate TEN YEARS OF THE VINE SCHOOL!
Thank you to everyone who has helped to create our school. We are proud of it and love it!

Mrs Higham says farewell
It hardly seems possible that The Vine School is now in its 13th year; it only seems like a blink of an eye since the first piece of turf was cut in 2005 when there were no roads, no services and no houses in Upper Cambourne! That first year was such an exciting time; the school building took shape whilst we grew our school in 4 temporary classrooms. Our school family expanded quickly, from 88 pupils on our opening day to 140 by the end of our first year. Remarkably, we still have families connected with The Vine who were there on that momentous opening day – and members of staff who were our pioneers. They have offered such loyal support and it is their faith in the vision for The Vine that has helped to create the strong foundations of the vibrant school that now exists.
It has been such a privilege to be the first Headteacher of The Vine and I am obviously sad to be saying goodbye to many friends and colleagues, as well as excited at the thought of having more time to sit, think and enjoy life! Over the last week I have been very touched by the generosity and kindness of so many people and I will treasure the beautiful gifts and messages I have received. However, the greatest gift of all has been spending my working life with children. Their enthusiasm for life, zest for learning and unconditional love has been a continual source of inspiration to me and has given me the strength and determination to do my job, and to stay relentlessly enthusiastic! I will miss them hugely.
Lee Faris will be the Headteacher from January 2018 and I know he is looking forward to getting to know Cambourne; I am sure that you will all offer him a warm welcome.
Debbie Higham
The Vine School Headteacher 2005-2017
Farewell Mr Faris - August 2023
I cannot believe that we have overcome so much in such a short space of time at this school. Who would have thought that back in 2017, when I accept the post of headteacher at The Vine, that we would be faced with a pandemic, the death of a monarch and a heatwave so powerful it forced schools to close. But we got through it all as a Vine family.
When I first came to The Vine I was scared and nervous. In a new job and in a new county. Having moved to the area to take up the post. However, the family feel of the school helped me from day one. Thank you for that. It really is special and unique.
I am really pleased that during my time as headteacher the national data of our school has soared, and the pupils now achieve well above national average across the school in all subjects. Well done everyone. I am also really pleased that SIAMS have validated us as being an "excellent" school where the vision runs through all we do. Pupils continue to leave our school happy and well rounded. The staff at this school all care so deeply for the pupils and it is these staff that work tirelessly to make the school such a wonderful place to work.
I am sad to be moving on from this wonderful school. But it is right for me to move back home. I know that you will all make Mr Hynes feel very welcome (as : ALL Are Welcome Here).
Always remember that The Vine is not the best school in Cambridge or England or the U.K. but it is the BEST SCHOOL IN THE ...........UNIVERSE.
L Faris