
The Vine Inter-Church

Primary School

...opening hearts and minds...

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Year 1

Welcome to Year 1!

We are very excited to welcome you to our Year 1 team. Our teaching team is made up of Miss Davenport (Topaz), Mrs Bennett (Amber Mon-Thurs), Mrs Cleland (Topaz - Thursday, Amber - Friday and EAL support) Mrs Chapman and Mrs Gentle (Speech and language support).

Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns. We are always available on the classroom door at the beginning or end of each day or you can email us via



Important information

Our PE days are Wednesday (indoor PE) and Friday (outdoor PE). Please ensure your child comes to school in their PE kits and suitable foot wear on those days. Earrings must be removed before school.


Please bring your child's book bag to school each day so that they are able to change their Bedtime Story Book each day. RWI books will continue to be sent home on a Monday and collected in on a Friday. 


Your child will bring home spellings each Monday. These are words which we have practiced in class during our spelling lesson and will be stuck into their reading diaries. Please practice spelling these at home. All pupils have a log in to the Spelling Shed website (there is a link below). There are games and activities to help your child with spelling each of their words. We carry out a weekly assessment of the spellings each Friday. 


Don't forget indoor shoes and water bottles. 

Below you will find our Year 1 Curriculum with where we expect pupils to be AT THE END of Year 1.

Links to useful websites

Supporting your child with their RWI storybook

Long Term Plan
