
The Vine Inter-Church

Primary School

...opening hearts and minds...

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'Understanding the World' learning has focused on different types of homes, where in the world we have visited/where our families are from. Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, lots of the children have been unable to travel for holidays or to visit family but have been speaking to them online more often. Some of the children know different people who lived in different types of home and some know where their family originated from. We have been reading some books about different types of homes and took an imaginary trip across the globe. Our children have blown us away with their knowledge and also by how much they want to learn more. 


In November, we used up the last of the pumpkins, painting them in bright colours like fireworks and covering them in sparkly paper to make a Diya lamp for Diwali. We talked about how Diwali is the Hindu festival of light and that during Diwali people decorate their hands with beautiful patterns and make pictures with coloured rice called ‘Rangoli'. During Diwali we learnt that people celebrate by cleaning their homes in preparation to welcome the Hindu goddess Lakshmi and light lots of candles and lights to celebrate light over darkness and good over evil.


In Religious Education we learned how we are a Christian school, and how the Bible and the Cross are very important to Christians. We watched the story of the creation from the Bible, we learned about Adam and Eve and about how Christians believe that God created everything in the entire universe!
Mrs Buddle “Who created the first man and woman?”
GO “God did!”
Mrs Buddle “What else did God make?”
LN “Everything!”



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