Week beginning 4th May
Here's a quiz from Miss Davenport which you might like to do over the weekend. It's just for fun. We'll post the answers next week.
Thursday 7th May
Good morning Year 1! It's Thursday already and we have seen lots of great learning this week. We have especially enjoyed hearing all about some of your pets (or the pets you would like to have!) and seeing photographs and videos. For today Mrs Richards has made a video of her pet Tess for you to watch. What animal group is Tess in? How do you know?
Today for your English we will be emailing you your guided reading book and a comprehension sheet to go with it. We would also like you to practise forming your capital letters. Today it is Y, A, N. You already have the sheets in your remote learning packs. Or if you would rather practise writing them in your remote learning books then that's fine too. There is a video link below.
In Maths we have seen some great measuring this week, well done. Today is quiz day to check and practise our skills. Find the questions and answers below.
Please don't forget to send your learning in today (if you haven't already done so) as tomorrow is a Bank Holiday and there is no Remote School. We hope that you all have a lovely day with your family tomorrow and look forward to seeing your photos of your picnics in your gardens if you're having one. Let's hope the sun shines!
Fun animal fact of the day
Today's fun animal fact is from Mrs Richards. Did you know that elephants are the only animals that cannot jump!
Maths - Quiz
Wednesday 6th May
Today for English there is a punctuation activity below for you to complete. There is a video in the resource centre which helps explain the activity. However, if you are unable to access the video you will find full instructions at the top of the sheet.
In Maths today we are continuing to learn about length, by measuring in centimetres. There is a video to watch before you start.
Fun animal fact of the day
Today's fun animal fact is from Miss Davenport. Did you know that some primates (monkeys, lemurs, apes and bushbabies) wee on their feet to help them climb better! Eew! We are not sure we like this!
Tommy B's bean plant has flowered!
Maths - Measuring in centimetres
Tuesday 5th May
We hope that you are all well and that you enjoyed investigating lengths and researching your animals yesterday.
For your English today we would like you to practise reading words with the 'e-e' sound in. You have a sheet in your phonics packs at home called the 'e-e grid'. Practise drawing the sound buttons, reading the words then decide if each word is a real word or an alien word. There is a video for you to watch below and a copy of the sheet to remind you which one it is.
If you haven't already done so please have a go at finding some of the answers to your questions about your chosen African animal. Have a look at yesterday's learning to help you with this.
In Maths today we are continuing our learning about length by measuring using non-standard units. There is a video to watch before you start.
If you haven't yet requested a Happy Song of the Day and you would like to then please email us. It would be great if you could send us the YouTube link if possible please. We are keeping a list of everyone who has requested a song so far to make sure that everyone who wants to gets a turn. Today it's Miss Davenport's turn!
Fun animal fact of the day!
The year 1 team would like to give you some fun and interesting animal facts every day! Today's fun fact is from Mrs Teirlinck. Did you know that the horn of a rhino is made from compacted hair and not from bones. How amazing is this!
Maths - Measuring length using non-standard units
'e-e' grid
Monday 4th May
Good morning Year 1. We hope that you've had a lovely weekend.
Today for your English we would like to to research the African animal which you chose to ask questions about last week. Use your questions to help you find out more information about your animal. You may have some non fiction books at home or if not use the internet to help you find out the answers to your questions. There is a video for you to watch which will help you to record your learning. Below there is a sheet with some useful websites and videos which might help you find your answers.
In Maths this week we are learning about length. Today we are starting by comparing lengths, then tomorrow and Wednesday we will be learning how to measure. There is a short video to watch before you start. Please make sure that you also do the warm up activity every day to keep practising and improving your skills.
Don't forget to look at the new learning in our Foundation subjects. There is an exciting video for you to watch in which
Mrs Teirlinck, Mrs Bennett and Ms Manning show you their pets. You can also start your design of your own African drum this week, there is a video which will give you some great ideas.