
The Vine Inter-Church

Primary School

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w/c 11 Jan 21

Hello Year 4 and welcome to our 2nd week of remote school.  We hope you all had a restful weekend.  As you can see, the layout is slightly different this week.  All the learning that you need will be under the heading for whichever day we are on.  Also, it will tell you how long you should be taking to complete the learning for each subject.

Have a good week and we look forward to seeing your learning in the emails that you send us.

Mrs Stewart and Mrs Richardson

Friday 15th January



Click here to watch part one of today's maths lesson - Can I subtract 4 digits using the formal column method?  Complete the calculations using the method shown. (approx 40 mins)


Watch Maths part 2 - Can I learn my 9 times tables?  Watch the video and then complete the learning below about the 9 times table. (approx 30 mins)


Mathsframe multiplication check -  Can you beat last week's score? (approx 5 mins)


TT Rockstars - practise your tables for approx 15 mins.

GRAMMAR LESSON - Focus: Can I consistently use accurate tense in 1st, 2nd and 3rd person throughout a piece of writing?

This lesson should take approximately 1 hour. After you have watched the video, I have chosen 2 of the tasks from the video, plus a challenge to fit the time frame. Additionally, please do 20 minutes of reading and 10 minutes of spellings.


Focus: Can I investigate the country of Brazil? (approx. 1hr)

Watch this short video first -


Then click here to watch today's lesson.  Using the information from the videos, investigate the country of Brazil using the questions on the PDF to help you.

Thursday 14th January


Warm up - practice counting forwards and backwards in 3s, 4 and 8s.  See how far you can get. (approx 5 mins)


Click here for today's video - Can I use and apply my multiplication knowledge? Complete the questions below and then attempt the challenge. (approx 1hour)


Start to watch the 10 minute maths video, pause to answer the questions and then go back to the video for the answers. 


Problem of the day - good luck with today's problem! (approx 15 mins) 

English (approx. 1 hour lesson, with 20 minutes reading and 10 minutes spelling)


Today's warm up input takes the form of a Countdown puzzle and grammar revision which pupils are familiar with from early learning sessions. 

The main activity is instruction writing. We are really looking forward to seeing what you come up with here, and excited to see if we will learn something new ourselves!


If you wish to view the powerpoint as a slide show please find it on the Video Resource Centre.


Click here to watch the video and then describe the picture using the Spanish you have learnt. (approx. 30 mins)

PE - complete a Joe Wickes workout    (approx 30 mins)

Wednesday 13th January


Maths warm up - rounding numbers (approx 5 mins)


Click here for today's maths video - Can I multiply 3 digits by 1 digit?  Complete the calculations below and your challenge today is to explain in your own words how to work out the multiplication calculations we have been doing this week. (approx. 1hr)


10 minute maths video - there is also a PDF version below.


Problem of the day - can you complete today's problem?  If you find the solution maybe you could try your own version by changing the number of lines you can draw or the number of smiley faces there are. (approx 15mins)


Wednesday's English lesson should take you approximately 1 hour. Please also spend 20 minutes reading and 10 minutes doing spellings. 

Today we will be focusing on instructional texts. We will think about different types of instructions and the layout these texts have.  We have included some simple instructions for you to have a go at following, too.

PSHE (approx. 35 minutes)

This week's lesson explores respect. We will look at what respect is and how we can show and receive respect here at The Vine. There is a worksheet to accompany this lesson, but the learning activity can just as easily be completed in the pupil's book.

PE (approx. 25 minutes)

We will start out unit of Dance this week.  This is the first of 3 sessions exploring Latin dance from South America, taking inspiration from the famous Carnivals held in Rio. The powerpoint slide contains the instructions and link required to access the lesson. A video version of this can be found on the Video Resource Centre of the website.

Tuesday 12th January



Complete the maths warm up activity.  This should take approx. 5 mins.


Click here to watch today's maths lesson - Can I multiply 2 digits by 1 digit when there is more than one ten?  Complete the calculations and the challenge below.  (approx. 1hr)


10 minute maths today is focusing on times tables.  Click here to watch the video and complete the learning.


Problem of the Day - this should take you about 15 minutes to complete.

English (approx 1 hour)


Look at the PDF activity sheet and print off the level you feel will suit you best.

Go through the Vocabulary check on the powerpoint, and then answer the questions from the powerpoint too, having read the text about dolphins.  You will also have some questions to answer from the pdf with the dolphin text. If you can't print htese out, don't worry, just copy out your answers in your book as best you can.  

Finally use the answer sheets / answer slide to mark your learning. 

Please also do 20 minutes of reading and 10 minutes of spellings.

Science (approx 1 hour)

Today's lesson looks at the role of teeth in the digestive system.


The lesson powerpoint has been uploaded in a variety of formats, including as a video on the Video Resource Centre. You do not need to be able to access all of them, as it is the same lesson!



Monday 11th January


Count in 6s from 0 - see how far you can get.  Count backwards in 6s from 72.

Starting at 0 count forwards in 25s up to 500 then count backwards to 0.

Start at 1398 and count forwards in 100s.

Start at 9843 and count backwards in 100s.

This should take about 5 mins


Click here for today's maths lesson - Can I multiply 2 digits by 1 digit? (approx 1 hour).  I apologise for the date being wrong but it is the correct learning.  The calculations and challenge are below.


Watch and do 10 minute maths (10 mins)


Problem of the day - have a go at solving today's problem then create your own. (approx.15 mins)



11.1.21 English ( 1 hour lesson ) Today we will be looking at a non-fiction text about Romans. The link for this is on the powerpoint. Can you make a learning link with history from last term? You will need to read the ebook to help you answer the questions, it is all explained on the Powerpoint. Please also do spelling practice (10 minutes) and reading (20 minutes)

We apologise that some of you are experiencing problems accessing this text. Please bear with us as we try to solve the problem. 
In PDF format, the page numbers are no longer visible. So, page 4 is entitled 'Invasion of Britain' and page 5 has the subheading 'Why did they invade?'

RE - Can I remember the events of Holy Week? (approx 1 hour)


Click here to watch the video.  You will be thinking about the events of Holy Week and then drawing crosses to represent the 3 most important days and explaining what happened on these days.
