
The Vine Inter-Church

Primary School

...opening hearts and minds...

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Week Commencing: Monday 27th April

Welcome Back!

Welcome to week 4 of remote learning. We hope you had a lovely weekend!

Before you start your learning, here is a quick message from the teachers in your weekly update letter...

Weekly Foundation Subjects Overview:

Here are your tasks for the foundation subjects this week...

PE Swimming Survey.

Please complete the swimming survey below (see the overview for more information). Download the word document, fill it in, save it and return to us via email as soon as you can. Use the pdf document on water safety (p8) to remind you of key points.

Friday 1st May 2020

Welcome to Friday, Year 6! We are going to avoid all weather predictions for today, because yesterday - as you all unfortunately pointed out - the sun didn't last long! It was lovely to see though that it didn't dampen your spirits. We were touched by how many of you sent us little messages, photos or even videos specifically to make us smile! We particularly enjoyed getting renditions of your songs (some of which are stuck in our heads now - Harrison!) and challenging ourselves to answer the questions in your RE quizzes. Luke added the Mastermind music to his quiz - that certainly made us feel under pressure!

Well done for another great week of learning. Have fun with the last few lessons today and have a great weekend!


COMPETITION TIME!!!   Miss Foster has been told by Mr Richardson and Mrs Thompson to go and buy a joke book based on Wednesday's fail sad So, now it is your turn! This week's competition is the funniest joke competition! The top jokes that make us laugh out loud will be crowned the winners. Email your entries for the competition before 1pm today!


WINNERS!!! Well done to everybody who got involved in our competition today, you certainly made us laugh. Today's winners are...

Aram - Have you ever tried to eat a clock? It's very time consuming!

Josh C - What do you call a man with no shins? Tony (toe-knee)!

Kitty - What is so good about Switzerland? I don't know but the flag is a big plus!

Tomas -  Parallel lines have so much in common. It's a shame they'll never meet!

Abbie E - How do you turn a duck into a soul singer? You put him in the oven until he's Bill Withers!

Yara - On the first day of school, the teacher asked a student, "What are your parent's names?" The student replied, "My  father's name is Laughing and my mother's name is Smiling." The teacher asked, "Are you kidding?" The student said, "No, Kidding is my brother. I am Joking."


Here is your English and Maths learning for today:

Thursday 30th April 2020

Good morning, Year 6 - we are happy to report that it's a sunny one! We have had so much fun this week, reading all the fantastic balanced reports you have written (the topics you have chosen to write about have been so engaging), hearing how much you have enjoyed the learning in the foundation subjects, and finding out what you have been up to. It seems that Naomi might be able to get a job as a Spanish translator when she's older, Luke could become a tour guide in Greece and Abbie looks set to rival David Attenborough with her love of nature! We have even had reports of some of you becoming super domesticated, making meals and doing laundry for your parents! Opal class seem to be leading the check-ins this week - come on Pearl class! If you haven't sent your first check-in email to us this week, please do so as soon as possible this morning (even if it is just a quick 'hello') as it saves us having to chase you up! Have a lovely day!


Here is your English and Maths learning for today:


Wednesday 29th April 2020

What do you call a deer with no eyes? ... No eye-deer!!!       What do you call a deer with no eyes and no legs? ... Still no eye-deer!!! smiley (Get it? No eye-deer = no idea! And still because it can't move/still don't know) Ok...Ok... Those were pathetic jokes! We were just trying to make you smile! How are you going to make others smile today? Let us know when you write your check-in email today.

Also, for those of you in need of inspiration for your Music task, have a look at...     This is  great example of re-writing the lyrics for our current situation. If you would like a challenge, see if you can make your own percussion instruments to accompany your song too.

Here are your English and Maths tasks for today. Remember, keep smiling!


Tuesday 28th April 2020

Good morning again Year 6! How are you? It is a bit miserable and wet out there today unfortunately but that doesn't mean that we can't still have fun. Thre are lots of exciting things that we can still do indoors when it is raining; think of it as wet play today! Let us know what you will be doing. Remember that there is a minute of silence at 11 o'clock this morning to remember all of the key workers who have sadly lost their lives, will you be joinng in with this?

Have a great day today! Here is your English and Maths learning...



Monday 27th April 2020

Good morning Year 6, happy Monday! We hope that you had a restful weekend and are ready to start your learning. Here are your English and Maths tasks for today...
