
The Vine Inter-Church

Primary School

...opening hearts and minds...

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Week commencing Monday 8th June

Hello FS2 and welcome back to remote schooling and the last half term of this year! WOW! This half term is slightly different for us in remote schooling as we have some children back in school.

The foundation subjects grid will stay the same, however the Maths, Phonics and English will now be uploaded at the beginning of the week. If you click on the grids you will see daily activities for each subject area for the week. Please complete each activity each day and upload your learning to Tapestry.

We look forward to seeing your learning! Remember we are still contactable on the email. 

Foundation subjects grid

Daily Maths Activities 

Daily English Activities

Phonic and Reading Activities


At The Vine, we follow the Read Write Inc phonics scheme. As we are now offering a reduced remote school, we would strongly recommend the daily lessons offered by Ruth Miskin Training (the owners of the Read Write Inc scheme).

Daily lessons will be available at 9.30 am.

All lessons are available for 24 hours.

All films will be in separate categories on the YouTube channel.

For a new schedule or guidance on Red Words and Read and Hold a Sentence, head to their website:


Parents guide and reading books

This website is a guide for parents for Read Write Inc and also has links to the books for your child's reading colour. These are the same books the Miss Gray has been sharing on Tapestry, if you are unsure of your child's colour.


Other useful phonics websites


Phonics play -

Forest phonics -

Phonics bloom -



