
The Vine Inter-Church

Primary School

...opening hearts and minds...

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Year 6

Welcome Year 6!


Teaching Team:

Miss Foster, Mr Richardson, Mrs Thompson,

Mrs Lee, Miss Gray




Home Learning



Home Learning

The tasks can be completed in your home learning book or on Seesaw.


In Year 6, you must read for at least 20 minutes every day. 

Once a week, record what you are reading in your Reading Record with a synopsis of your book (at least 5 sentences).

Hand in your Reading Record every Friday to be marked. You will take your Reading Record home again on a Monday.


Please practise your spellings at home every day, in preparation for the test each Friday. The spelling words will follow different spelling patterns each week. We will cover all the spelling patterns in class, before they are set for a test. Don't forget all the different strategies we have learnt to help you practise! For a full list of spellings up to Spring Half Term, refer to the attached file below.


You should also continue to regularly practise spelling the Year 3/4 and Year 5/6 Exception Words, which are also attached below.

Times Tables Rock Stars

Practise your times tables regularly by playing Times Tables Rock Stars. (If you have lost your log-in details, please ask your teacher.) Remember, knowing times tables is essential for your Maths learning! 

Other Documents and Resources



COVID Timetables:

If you are off school due to COVID, please complete the tasks on the timetable below.

Curriculum Overviews










Remote Learning Spring Term 2021

Happy New Year year 6!  

Welcome to remote learning!

We hope that you are all well and are staying safe.

We have now moved to Seesaw! Please log in to find your remote learning.


You must complete 4 hours of learning each day:

1 hour English lesson

1 hour Maths lesson

1 hour Foundation Subject lesson

1 hour of additional tasks (20 minutes of daily reading, 10 minute CGP book, 15 minutes times tables practise - TTRS, 15 minutes spellings practise).

Also, don't forget daily story time - we are currently reading Street Child!


Additionally, we have PE videos for you to complete twice a week (30 minutes each) to keep you active and healthy during lockdown! These can be found on the video resource centre. Joe Wicks is also back, so you can catch up with his workouts too, on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday.


When you are reading, you may choose to read the First News paper (use the ID FNELOCK3 to log in)


Mrs Lee has also put lots of exciting additional tasks on the Aspiration Enrichment page for you to check out. 


All of our learning expectations can be found in the letters below.

Don't forget to upload photos of your learning to Seesaw so that we can provide you with feedback.


You will also receive a weekly phone call or School Cloud video call from one of the Year 6 teachers. We can't wait to hear from you and see all of the amazing learning that you are producing.


