
The Vine Inter-Church

Primary School

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Y6 SATs Information Page

Mock SATs week


As part of the preparation process for SATs, we will be having a Mock SATs week from Monday 25th to Friday 29th March. This is so that pupils can experience the conditions under which they will take their tests. In our experience, this helps to reassure pupils and also to help them become more aware of how they can approach tests most efficiently. As shared at our recent parent consultations, we are setting weekly Grammar, Punctuation and Vocabulary tests via the website and highly recommend that pupils complete these each week to help build their confidence for this test and also to develop their writing. We are continuing with our flipped learning up to SATs and pupils will be bringing home a range of SATs-related learning to do at home in preparation for these lessons, so please look out for weekly maths and reading tasks. As always, if you have any questions please let us know.


Many thanks,

The Year Six Team  

Year 6 Reading Assessment

Today we looked at the reading assessment that we did before Christmas and pupils will be bringing their answer papers home with them today. Many pupils asked if they could have a copy of the mark scheme and also the actual texts ... they can be downloaded using this link:

Thanks and we look forward to seeing you all on Monday at 5 pm.

Year 6 SATs Meeting

Many thanks to all the parents and carers who came along to our SATs information meeting on Monday 11th January; it was fantastic that so many parents and carers could attend. As promised, here are the slides from the meeting. To recap, reading, maths and spelling CGP books are due into school every Monday morning. Pupils are expected to complete two maths and two reading 10-minute-tests and to complete two pages in their spelling books each week. We are really pleased with the way the pupils are responding to our new flipped learning approach.

Information from Meeting 14 Jan 2019
