w/c 18 Jan 21
On this page, every day, we will upload learning for Maths, English and one Foundation subject.
This will be in the form of videos and supporting pdf documents. These should not need to be printed out.
To complete the learning, you will need to watch the video and follow the tasks. You are able to pause, play and rewind the videos, so if there is anything you need repeating, you can go back and listen again.
If there is anything that is unclear or the videos are not working, please let us know.
When you have completed the learning please can you remember to email us at least
twice a week at year2@thevine.cambs.sch.uk to let us know how you are getting on with remote learning.
Guided Reading
Each week Mrs Pritchard will upload a turquoise, purple, gold and white book for you to read along with. Please try to have a go at the book which is closest to your reading colour group. If you enjoyed reading one book you may try the other books too and if you didn't read all the books last week you could go back and read them as well.
Below are direct links to each video.
Maths Challenges
Reading Challenges
We hope you all had fun with either the obstacle course, Mrs Richardson’s target video or with Joe Wicks last week; sending a high five to you all! And a high ten if you managed to do 2 or more of the activities! Well done for keeping active!
To keep active this week apart from jumping over and in the puddles! Choose one activity in the blue writing and one from the red writing.
There will be a 60 second challenge every week - below is a tracking sheet. If you are able to print it off you can keep a record of your achievements!
On your marks get set GO!!!!
60 Second Air balloon Challenge - good for indoors, What medal will you achieve?! If you get a gold see if you can do it on one leg!
Mr Minei’s video – Throwing and catching good for outdoors, how many points will you score?!
Tanya’s fitness fun with music – good for indoors, What number will you roll?!!
Disney Dance along – good for indoors & great fun!
Friday 22nd January 2021
English (approx. 1 hour of learning)
Focus: Can I learn the spelling rule adding -ing to words ending in -y?
Focus: Can I join my writing?
Focus: Can I remember to use C and .?
Below is a direct link to today's video and a PDF version of the lesson.
Focus: Can I add and subtract two-digit numbers?
In this Arithmetic lesson, you will be combining your learning from the previous two arithmetic lessons. You will need to use the written methods for addition and subtraction which we have been practising to solve a variety of number sentences.
RE (approx. 1 hour of learning)
Focus: Can I understand the meaning of the story 'The Prodigal Son'?
Continuing our learning about parables, today we will learn about 'The Prodigal Son', show we can think like a character and then reflect on why forgiveness is important .
Below is a direct link to today's video lesson, a link to the video story and a PDF version of the lesson.
Thursday 21st January 2021
English (approx. 1 hour of learning)
Focus: Can I listen carefully and answer questions?
Today is a reading comprehension lesson where you will listen to a story and complete an activity and answer some questions to make sure you have understood what was read.
Below is a direct link to today's video and a PDF version of the lesson.
Maths (approx. 1 hour of learning)
In this Maths lesson, you will be continuing to learn about shape. Today, you will be identifying a variety of 3D shapes.
Science (approx. 1 hour of learning)
Focus: Can I explain why it is important to be hygienic?
Today we are continuing our learning about animals and their needs. We are specifically investigating what humans need to do to stay healthy.
Below is the link to the lesson's introduction and then the link to the Science lesson.
Wednesday 20th January 2021
English (approx. 1 hour of learning)
Focus: Can I think imaginatively and use similes to write poetry?
We are going to continue writing poetry today and find different patterns, using the simile learning from yesterday and remembering rhyme and alliteration.
Below is a direct link to today's video and a PDF version of the lesson.
Maths (approx. 1 hour of learning)
Focus: Can I recognise 2D shapes?
Today in Maths, we are starting our new topic which is shape. In this lesson, you will be reminding yourself what 2D shapes are and their names. Afterwards, you will be going on a shape hunt around your house to find some 2D shapes which you recognise.
So far in Geography, we have learnt the names of the seven continents and the five oceans which make up our Earth. Today, we are going to be learning about an area in Europe in more detail, the UK. We will be learning the names of the four countries in the UK, where they are and the flag which belongs to each country.
Tuesday 19th January 2021
English (approx. 1 hour of learning)
Focus: Can I explain what a simile is?
We are going to continue listening to poetry and finding different patterns, remembering rhyme and alliteration. Today we are going to learn what similes are, ready to use them in our own poetry writing tomorrow.
Below is a direct link to today's video, a PDF version of the lesson and a PDF of the simile activity.
Maths (approx. 1 hour of learning)
Focus: Can I draw block diagrams?
In your final statistics lesson, you will be having another practise drawing block diagrams. Try your best to work accurately and neatly so that the data which your block diagram shows matches your table and don't forget to pay close attention to your scale!
PSHCE (approx. 1 hour of learning)
Focus: Can I understand my rights as a child?
Below is the link to the lesson's introduction and then the link to the PSHCE lesson.
Monday 18th January 2021
English (approx. 1 hour of learning)
Focus: Can I remember and use adverbs?
Below is a direct link to today's video, a PDF version of the lesson and a PDF Challenge: adverb quiz.
Maths (approx. 1 hour of learning)
Focus: Can I draw and interpret block diagrams?
In our Maths lessons so far, we have learnt about tally charts and pictograms. Today, we will be learning about another way in which data can be presented, on block diagrams. You will practise understanding what a block diagram is showing you as well as having a go at drawing your own.
You will find a direct link to the video and a PDF file of the slides below.
Art (approx. 1 hour of learning)
Focus: Can I explore natural materials?
We are continuing to learn about land art in our art lesson this week. Today, you will need to wrap up warm and head outside to try out a variety of land art challenges. Watch the video linked below and then open the PDF document so that you can choose the challenges which you would like to try.