
The Vine Inter-Church

Primary School

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Week beginning 27th April

Friday 1st May

It's Friday already and the first day of a brand new month! 


We have done a great job learning about time this week in Maths.  Today there is a quiz to help us remember and check our learning.  Also please don't forget to keep filling in your weather charts over the weekend.  


For your English today there is a phonics video for you to watch. There is a link below. We will also be emailing you your guided reading for today along with a comprehension sheet. There is no need for you to print the sheet out or write the questions down. In class when we complete our guided reading we just discuss the answers and share our thoughts and ideas verbally. 

Well done to everyone for completing the Africa quiz so far. If you haven't had a go there's still time for you to complete it and win a special Be Proud - good luck!


To end another week of remote learning you can listen to two poems about spring!


Have a lovely weekend everyone and let's hope the sun shines! smiley

Thursday 30th April

This week is going very fast, we can't believe it's Thursday already!


Today for English you have 2 tasks. First can you practise writing your capital letters? The letters we would like you to focus on today are V, W and X, capital letters which have straight lines. You already have the sheets to use in your remote learning packs. There is a link below to the website where you can watch the letter formation videos. The second task is to watch the video called 'Compound words' and complete the activity below. You don't need to print the sheet off, just record your learning in your remote learning books.  


In Maths today we are learning the months of the year as part of our week's topic about time.  There is a short video to watch in our resource centre, then follow the instructions on the task sheet.  Don't forget to keep checking the clocks in your home to see if you can read the time!  You also need to observe what the weather is like today and fill in your weather chart.  It definitely isn't as sunny as last week! 

Thursday 30th - Compound words

Wednesday 29th April

Happy Wednesday everyone! Thank you to everyone who has been sending us your remote learning so far this week. We are really impressed with how well you are all doing. It's been lovely to see the weather charts which you've made. We wonder what you'll be putting down for today's weather?


In English today there is a video to watch about Jane Goodall. She is our Courageous Advocate in Year 1 but we haven't learnt about her previously as she is linked to our learning on Africa. If you watch the video you'll find out why! There is a PowerPoint of the text attached below which you can read also. Then there are some questions for you to discuss to help you understand why she is so famous and important. You don't have to record the answers, it's fine to just talk about them. If you want to know more about her there is a link to another video on YouTube below. 


In Maths today we are learning to read and show half past times on an analogue clock.  Watch the video in our resource centre and follow the instructions on the task sheet.  We know that not everyone can print at home so the sheets below are optional.  Don't forget to look at the clocks at home throughout the day to see what the time is! 

Tuesday 28th April 

Good morning Year 1!  We have already seen lots of fantastic learning this week, thank you.  Don't forget to email us every few days so we can see what you have been doing.


In Maths we are continuing our learning about time by reading and showing o'clock times.  There is a video to watch before you start.  If you are able to print at home there are some useful extra resources below to practise the skills.  Please don't forget to fill in your weather chart for today as well! 


Thank you to everyone who completed their 5 questions about an African animal. We were so impressed with some of your ideas, well done. If you haven't done so already can you please email us a photo of your questions. 

Today for your English we would like you to play a phonics game which you have at home in your phonics packs. There is a link to it below, it's the 'igh' Four in a Row game. There is a video for you to watch explaining how you play it. 

'igh' Four in a Row game

Monday 27th April

Good morning Year 1! We hope you all had a lovely weekend and managed to enjoy the sunshine and the beautiful blue skies!


This week in Maths we are learning all about time.  Our learning starts today with practising spelling and ordering the days of the week and you will use these skills to create your own weather chart.  We look forward to seeing these next week when they are finished! This week we will also be learning to read o'clock and half past times, and to order the months of the year.  On Friday there will be a quiz to check and reinforce our learning.


Thank you to everyone who sent us questions about the giraffe which Everywhere Bear found on safari. You will find a video to watch with lots of information about giraffes in the link below. Hopefully we have answered all of your questions! In English this week we are continuing to practise using question marks. We would like you to think of your own questions to ask about an African animal of your choice. Please see the task and the African animal word mat below. 


Don't forget to look at the new learning in our Foundation subjects.  We were really pleased to hear that lots of you are enjoying our new topic on Africa and are excited to learn more about animals. This week you will go on a virtual trip to the Zoo for science. There is an African quiz to complete as well which will help you find out more about Africa. In RE there is a quiz about the story of Noah's Ark; let us know how you do! 

English - Monday 27th - Writing questions and using a question mark.
