
The Vine Inter-Church

Primary School

...opening hearts and minds...

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w/c 11 Jan 21

On this page, every day, we will upload learning for Maths, English and one Foundation subject. This will be in the form of videos and supporting pdf documents. These should not need to be printed out.


To complete the learning you will need to watch the video and follow the tasks. You are able to pause, play and rewind the videos, so if there is anything you need repeating, you can go back and listen again.


If there is anything that is unclear or the videos are not working, please let us know.


When you have completed the learning please can you remember to email us at least twice a week at  to let us know how you are getting on with remote learning.

Guided Reading

Each week Mrs Pritchard will upload a turquoise, purple, gold and white book for you to read along with.  Please try to have a go at the book which is closest to your reading colour group.  If you have enjoyed this activity you may try the other books available.


Below are direct links to each video.


Here are this week's phonics videos for those children who have been invited to access them.


Maths Challenges


Each week, we will be uploading five optional Maths questions for your child to complete if they would like to challenge themselves. Please find this week's challenges below. 



Reading Challenges


Each week we will add 4 optional reading challenges for you to have a go at when you are reading.



Hello Year 2, it’s time to get active! 

 Getting active is a great way to either start your day, break up your day or even at the end of your learning day,  After all of your fantastic learning! It’s great to shake off some energy! 

How you can get active: 

 ~ you can make an obstacle course around the house by:

> weaving in and out of Chairs 

> putting a sheet over chairs to make a tunnel

> hopping to another room

> balancing along a line, peace of string, anything thin along the floor! and pretend there are crocodiles underneath! 

> throwing a pair of socks into a laundry basket, box or even a wellie boot! 

You could time it & then see if you can beat your time! 

Or make an obstacle course outdoors!  

Have fun keeping active, we would love to see any obstacle courses you have made! 

Watch Mrs Maya's video (link below) to give you some ideas

~ Join in with Mr Richardson’s Target video 



~ PE with Joe Wicks on Wicks YouTube Channel at 9am Monday, Wednesday and Friday for 20 minutes. 



Friday 15th January 2021

English (approx. 1 hour of learning)

Focus: Can I learn the spelling rule adding -ing to words ending in -y?

Focus: Can I join my writing?

Focus: Can I remember to use C and .?


Below is a direct link to today's video and a PDF version of the lesson.

Maths (approx 1 hour of learning)

Focus: Can I subtract two-digit numbers?

Today's lesson is Arithmetic. In last week's lesson, we looked at using base 10 to support our addition. This week, you will practise using base 10 to help you to subtract. 


Below is a direct link to today's video as well as a PDF file of the video slides. 

RE (approx. 1 hour of learning)

Focus: Can I understand the meaning of the story 'The Lost Sheep'?

Continuing our learning about parables, today we will learn about 'The Lost Sheep', write a letter to show we can think like a character and then reflect on what people think of the parables now and in Jesus' time. 

Below is a direct link to today's video and a PDF version of the lesson.

Thursday 14th January 2021

English (approx. 1 hour of learning)

Focus: Can I listen, read and understand a story?

Today you will be completing a reading comprehension activity, to show your understanding of a story.

Below are direct links to today's video and the story, a PDF version of the lesson and PDF question and answer sheets.

Maths (approx. 1 hour of learning)

Focus: Can I draw pictograms?

Building on from our previous learning, we will be having another practise at drawing pictograms today. Today, you will need to think particularly carefully about the scale you use and how to present the information correctly using your scale. 

Please find a direct link to the video and a PDF version of the video slides below. 

Science (approx. 1 hour of learning)

Focus: Can I explain what animals need to survive?

Continuing our learning about animals, their offspring and how they grow, today we will learn about what animals need to survive. 

Below are a direct link to today's video, a PDF version of the lesson and the PDF activity sheet.

Wednesday 13th January 2021

Wednesday Worship

On a Wednesday our school worship is taken by Rev Bill Miller of Cambourne Church. You will find a video of this week's worship in the Video Resource Centre Worship section



English (approx. 1 hour of learning)

Focus: Can I present my learning using joined handwriting?

Today you will edit your alliteration poem checking spelling and punctuation. You will then need to remember your joined handwriting to write your poem out perfectly and decorate it. When you have finished you will practise reading your poem with fluency and expression.


Unfortunately, I found a mistake in my poem - even though I had checked the spelling of 'mischievous' I still spelt it wrong on the video - oh dear!


Below are a direct link to today's video, a PDF version of the lesson and a link to Supermovers.


Focus: Can I interpret pictograms?

In this Maths lesson, we will be revisiting pictograms which have a scale of 2,5 and 10. You will be asked a variety of questions about each pictogram and will also need to use your problem solving and reasoning skills to spot mistakes and explain your thinking.

Please find the link to the teaching video and a PDF version of the video slides below.


Focus: Can I name and locate the oceans?

In this Geography lesson, you will be recapping your knowledge of the seven continents and practise locating these on a map. Then, you will learn all about the five oceans which surround the continents, finding out both their names and where they are.

You will find a direct link to the video and a PDF file of the video slides below. 

Tuesday 12th January 2021

English (approx. 1 hour of learning)

Focus: Can I think imaginatively and use alliteration to write poetry?

Today you will learn what alliteration is and then use it to write a poem. You will also need to remember your learning about expanded noun phrases from yesterday.

Below are a direct link to today's video and a PDF version of the lesson 

Maths (Approx. 1 hour of learning)

Focus: Can I interpret pictograms?

In our Maths lesson, we will be continuing to build on our understanding of pictograms. Today, we will be interpreting and answering questions about pictograms with a variety of keys. You will need to use your knowledge of counting in twos, fives and tens to help you.

You will find a direct link to today's video and a PDF version of the lesson below.


PSHCE (approx. 1 hour of learning)

Focus: Can I understand similarities and differences between people?

We will be looking at similarities and differences between people and understand what tolerance is.

Below are the links to an introductory video from Mrs Hunt and then there is a second external video link to the lesson activity.


Monday 11th January 2021

English (approx. 1 hour of learning)

Focus: Can I remember and use expanded noun phrases?


Below are a direct link to today's video, a PDF version of the lesson and a link to the poetry website.

Maths (approx. 1 hour of learning)

Focus: Can I draw a pictogram?


In your Maths lesson, you will be building upon your learning about pictograms. Today, you will be using data in tally charts and some of your own data to draw your own pictograms. Below is a direct link to the video for today's lesson, as well as PDF version of the video slides. 


Art (approx. 1 hour of learning)

Focus: Can I learn about a famous land artist?


In your Art lesson today, we will be beginning our 'Land Art' topic. Today, you will find out what land art is and learn about the artist Andy Goldsworthy. Below is a direct link to the video for today's lesson, as well as PDF version of the video slides. 
