
The Vine Inter-Church

Primary School

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Week commencing Monday 8th June


Remember to read every day and it's great to share reading with other family members.

Think about different types of reading material, for example; books, magazines, food packets, instructions for games, websites, to name a few.

Below are some links to online books to read and listen to.

If you are a member of the Cambridgeshire library service you can borrow ebooks, magazines and audiobooks online. Go to the website link below to log in and get more information. Don't worry if you are not a member you can also join by following the link.

The Cambridgeshire Library Service are again running a Summer Reading Challenge, but digitally this year. Find information in the PDF below.

Are You a Reading Star?

Each week we will set a reading challenge for you to complete.

Don't forget to email telling us how you get on.

This week's challenge:

Replace a character’s name with yours and read the book out loud to someone.

Poem of the Day

The poem of the day is for sharing and enjoying. smiley  

Taken from the book ‘Read Me 2 – A Poem For Every Day Of The Year’. Chosen by Gaby Morgan. Published by MacMillan




Don't forget to learn your Galaxy of Spelling and Common Exception Words and ask someone to test you.

The Common Exception Words PDF below has 8 activity sheets for the whole half term.

We also learn a spelling rule every week which is on the powerpoint below and there is a word search to help learn it.

Message from Mrs Hunt:

I'm just leaving a message to let you know that from this week I am now teaching an FS2 'bubble' class. But, be rest assured, I am still very much one of the Year 2 teachers and wish it could be you that I am teaching in school! I will continue to plan your English learning and some of the foundation subjects. I apologise for putting up Wednesday's learning late, I will get into a new routine! During the day Mrs Stewart and Mrs Richardson will be checking and responding to Emerald class emails and then I will be able to look back at them after school to find out what you have been up to and to see all your great learning. 


Friday Basic Skills

Multiplication and division facts test - see main PDF

Friday Focus: Can I choose an efficient method to solve calculations?

Thursday Basic Skills

Count forwards and backwards whilst going up and down the stairs.  Count in tens starting at 67, 13 and 99.

Thursday Focus: Can I solve problems involving time?

Wednesday Basic Skills

Throw a dice and record the number.  Throw again, add it to the first number to give a new total.  Keep rolling the dice and adding on the number thrown.  If you throw a one your go is over and you have to start again.  The winner is the first person to get to 100

Tuesday Basic Skills

Throwing and catching counting.  Start at 126.  Throw and the catch the ball with a partner and count forwards from the starting number.  When the ball is dropped work out how many you counted on.  Play again starting at 253 and 197.

Tuesday Focus: Can I tell the time to 5 minute intervals?

Monday Basic Skills

Times tables number aerobics

Monday Focus: Can I tell the time to o'clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to?

Foundation Subjects 

