
The Vine Inter-Church

Primary School

...opening hearts and minds...

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Week beginning 13th July

Good morning everybody!


We hope you had a lovely weekend and have enjoyed the sunshine?


We cannot believe this is your final week of Year 1! We would like to thank you all for your hard work and commitment to your learning. We are truly impressed with the way you have adapted so well to remote school. Your smiley videos, photos and amazing learning certainly have kept us going and made us smile during these challenging and unexpected times!


Your learning this week looks slightly different - there are grids for each subject covering the whole week, rather than sending new learning every day.


There will still be daily English tasks for you to do, but they are all put together on a weekly grid now, which you will find below. 


In Maths there is a grid for the week with shape activities on, as this is the main topic we are covering in school.  We have also put on some other optional resources you might find helpful.  The 'Four a Day' is produced by the Cambridgeshire Maths team and revises different topics every day.  There is a number pair challenge which is great for seeing how quickly you can recall your number pairs.  There is also a booklet about multiplication and division if you wish to revisit those topics.  Please use whichever of these additional resources you find helpful. 


There is a new foundation grid for you as well. This week there are two sport challenges for you to complete each day. 

So have fun and get active!


We are looking forward to seeing your learning this week, so please keep sending us your great work!


Have a lovely week.


