
The Vine Inter-Church

Primary School

...opening hearts and minds...

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2. Procedures

There are six designated Child Protection Personnel at The Vine. Peter Hynes, (Headteacher) is the Designated Safeguarding Lead. (DSL) and James Harvey, (Deputy Headteacher), Nicola Kenny (Deputy Headteacher), Gemma Coe (SENCo), Helen Bransbury (Pre-School Manager) and Rebecca Bates (After School Club Manager)  are Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads (DDSL).


At the beginning of each academic year, all staff receive updated child protection training and are provided with and expected to read and adhere to the current key safeguarding documents. These include Keeping Children Safe in Education Part 1(September 2023), Guidance for Safer Working Practice for adults who work with children and young people in education settings (2022) and What to do if you are worried a child is being abused (2015). Throughout the academic year further information and training is provided and a clear induction process for new staff is followed as appropriate. As any adult in school can be the first point of disclosure for a child, all staff, paid or unpaid are equipped with the knowledge and skills to identify and report any concerns. Concerned parents/carers are also encouraged to contact school if they are worried about anyone in our school community.  "My Concern" is a well-established system in school for logging concerns and the school is proactive in discussing concerns with parents and carers and outside agencies where relevant.   Our guiding principle is


‘Don’t think what will happen if you do...think what might happen if you don’t’
