
The Vine Inter-Church

Primary School

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w/c 18th Jan 21

Year 5 Remote School 2021 Spring 1


The format of our remote learning will be in the format of daily videos and learning attached on the Year 5 page on the school website. We will provide English, Maths and one foundation subject per day. In addition to this, the pupils will be expected to read for at least 15 minutes a day, spend 15 minutes practising times tables (Times Tables Rockstars) and 15 minutes on spellings. 


Mrs Lee has put additional learning for you to do at Aspiration Enrichment on the website. Do have a look and see what's available.


There will be two weekly PE videos for you to watch and carry out task. This to ensure you keep active and healthy during Remote School. Joe Wicks is also back doing his workouts - you can join him on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.


Please email us via the Year 5 email ( if you have any questions about the learning and also to inform us of how the remote learning is going at least twice weekly.



We will be in contact with you weekly. We will book you on to the SchoolCloud (as per parent consultations). Please have a look at your emails to check when the booking is for. If your booking isn't suitable do not worry, please email to rearrange beforehand.


Please note you may also receive a phone call during the week to check in on your child's learning, this will come from a withheld or private number so please do pick up.

Friday 22nd January 2021

English  (1-1.5 hours of learning)

Today we are looking at Chapter 2 Part 1 of Sabryna and the River Spirit (a Twinkl Original e-book). Remember your VIPERS reading skills. 


  1. Watch the video (6 minutes)
  2. Read your questions (5 minutes)
  3. Listen to the audio recording and follow the e-book (the pages are attached below). Pause and complete your 'during the video' questions (20 minutes)
  4. Complete 'after the video' questions (20 minutes)
  5. Challenge: deeper thinking questions (10 minutes)
  6. Self-assess your learning - go back and look in the text to see where they got the answers from. Think: what have I learnt about how to answer these questions? (10-15 minutes)


Chapter 2 Part 1.mp3

Listen to me reading the extract

Maths (1 hour of learning)

Today you will be continuing with short division. Make sure you watch the video to see what the process is. Remember to put any remainders in front of the next digit to make a whole number. 

PHSCE (1 hour of learning)

Today in PSHCE we will be reflecting on the experience of learning a new skill.  We would like you to begin by watching the video which explains what you need to do. 

PE (1 hour of learning)

Please have a look and follow along to the fitness video below. Once you have done that, see whether you can practise your catching following the instructions in the second video. Have fun!

Thursday 21st January 2021

English (1 hour of learning)

Today in English you are planning your story setting. Watch the video where I explain what to do and what the structure of your story will be. I have attached an example plan (not completed - you can do a better plan than mine!) and some vocabulary mats to help you generate ideas for senses, fronted adverbials and adjectives.



Video: 5 minutes

Planning: 55 minutes

Maths (1 hour of learning)

Our learning is now moving from multiplication to division. However, the information is still the same. If you know your times tables, division becomes so much more straight forward. Make sure you watch the video, pause where needed and go back if you need to. When you understand the process, it will become so much more manageable to do division.

Science (1 1/2 hours of learning)

Today in Science we will be finding out about the life cycle of flowering plants.  We would like you to begin by watching the video which explains what you need to do.  There is a sheet with useful websites for your research as well as creative ideas for presenting your learning.

Additional learning (45 minutes)

You must also complete 

- 15 minutes of reading                                          

- 15 minutes times tables practice (TTRS)

- 15 minutes spellings practice

Wednesday 20th January 2021
Please find time during the day to watch the Wednesday Church worship.


Today in English you are analysing the features of a setting description. This is where we describe the setting (the environment our character is in) in a story. Watch the video and read the setting descriptions. Highlight/underline the different features you spot. Self-assess afterwards - did I spot something that you didn't? 


Extra challenge Consider why the author has used these techniques

Maths (1 hour of learning)

Good morning Year 5. Today for your Maths learning you will be having one last go at short and long multiplication for the moment. We have seen some super improvements over the last week or so. Thank you for all your hard work.

Geography (at least 1 1/2 hours of learning)

Today in Geography we will be using maps to find some of the world's great rivers.  We would like you to begin by watching the video which explains what you need to do.  There is a sheet to complete and an answer sheet for you to check your learning when you have finished.  Can you find out how long the longest river in the world is?

Additional learning (45 minutes)

You must also complete 

- 15 minutes of reading                                          

- 15 minutes times tables practise (TTRS)

- 15 minutes spellings practise

Tuesday 19th January 2021
Good morning Year 5. Please find Chapter 6 of The Flying Classroom below.

English (1-1.5 hours of learning)

Good morning Year 5! Today we are starting a new topic in English so watch the video to find out what we're going to be up to.

Getting fresh air and exercise is so important for our physical and mental health and we should be going out every day for our daily exercise. Today after you watch the video I would like you to go out on a walk with your adults and map out some locations you visit and write some descriptions of these. We are using our local area as inspiration for our writing. You can do this activity as part of your daily walk/exercise. Once you're back then you can complete the rest of your activities. If you are isolating and unable to go out, don't worry. Just think about places close by and map out a journey you know already.


Remember to use exciting adjectives and expanded noun phrases in your descriptions. Can you challenge yourself to include figurative language too?



Video: 18 minutes (plus extra for pausing)

Walking activity: 15-20 minutes

Extraordinary descriptions: 20 minutes

Map drawing: 10 minutes

Maths (1 1/4 hours of learning)

Good morning Year 5. Today you will be looking at reasoning and problem solving using your multiplication knowledge. Make sure you read the questions carefully and understand what the question is asking you what to do. Remember the process for solving problems.

Additional learning (45 minutes)

You must also complete 

- 15 minutes of reading                                          

- 15 minutes times tables practise (TTRS)

- 15 minutes spellings practise

Music (1hr of learning)


For your music today, you are going to:

  • Recap your chant and game
  • Explore music with four beats in a bar
  • Explore the 'strong beat'
  • Learn a new song: 'Crazy Glue'


We saw some fantastic recordings of the chant last week! This week, if you can, please send us a video of the new song 'Crazy Glue' and let us know if you enjoyed it. 


Monday 18th January 2021

Good morning Year 5. We hope you have had a restful weekend and enjoyed time with your families. 

Please find time during the day to watch Mrs Cooper and Mr Harvey's worship. Also, find Chapter 5 of The Flying Classroom below. Have a great day.

English (1.5 hours of learning)

Good morning Year 5. Today, we are doing our SPaG (spelling, punctuation and grammar) lesson about commas. You will have learnt this before but we need to keep practising to make sure we are using commas accurately in our writing. Watch the video and choose one activity to complete.

Self-assess your learning afterwards using the answer sheet. If you've made any mistakes, can you spot where and why it happened? Do not worry, remember, making mistakes is normal! Us adults make mistakes all the time and learning from our mistakes is such an important part of the learning process smiley


Once you are done, do 15 minutes of reading and 15 minutes of spelling practice.



Video: 20 minutes

Activity: 30-35 minutes

Self-assessing: 5 minutes

Independent reading: 15 minutes

Spelling practice: 15 minutes

Maths (1.5 hours of learning)

Today in maths we will be continuing our multiplication learning. Please watch the video and pause when asked. If you need to go back to relook at certain areas, make sure you do. Before you start, please go on Times Table Rockstars for 15 minutes and practise your Times Tables.


Spanish (1-1.5 hours of learning)

Hola classe de Y5. ¿Cómo estás? Well done for you super dictionary searching last lesson. We are going to practise our new vocabulary today and then learn to verbs that we will use for sports. These are 'to play' and 'to practise'. Watch the video and read the explanation sheet so you know what to do. Then, have a go at the activity worksheet and make sure to self-assess your learning once you're finished using the '18.1 Verbs Answers'.


buena suerte! (good luck)


UPDATE: Oops, I made a mistake! On the answer sheet it should be 'Andy Murray y Rafael Nadal jugan al tenis.' Thank you for those who have pointed this out to me - Miss Evans 
