
The Vine Inter-Church

Primary School

...opening hearts and minds...

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Year 5

Welcome to the Summer Term Remote Learning


Please find each week's English and maths learning and the week's foundation subject activities at the links below. Also, make sure you check the link for Year 5 Remote Learning videos every day. Remember that you need to email us at least twice a week to let us know how you are getting on or if you have any questions. You don't need to send photos every time but if you have something you are really pleased with and would like to share it with us we will be more than happy to see them.



Welcome back Year 5! I hope you have had a thoroughly well-deserved half term with your families. I would love to know if you have been up to anything. If you have please let me know. I have found lots of local woods to go around for a stroll with my children. We have been on lots of bike rides around Cambourne and visited a very quiet Cambridge to look for some Dinky Doors. I hope everyone is well and ready for some Summer 2 Remote Learning. You have done an amazing job and I hope it continues until we are able to finally return to school.


Please make sure you keep in touch at least twice during the week. I look forward to seeing all the amazing learning continue.


Mr Johnson
