Year 5
Teaching Team: Mr Johnson, Miss Evans, Miss Smalley & Mrs Arthurs
In Year 5, you must read for at least 15 minutes every day.
Please record what, and how much, you have read each day in your Reading Record.
Hand in your Reading Record every Friday to be marked. You will take your Reading Record home again on a Monday.
Please practise your spellings at home every day, in preparation for testing each other during the week. All the spellings are on the Year 5 page. You can take a copy of the spellings home. Remember strategies for learning them from previous years? Keep using them!
Times Tables & Maths Skills
Use Maths Frame to practise your times tables and maths skills to develop your confidence.
There are lots of activities to choose from.
Maths Challenges
If you're feeling up for a maths challenge, use NRICH to choose a reasoning or problem solving question. There are hundreds to choose from.
Summer 2 Learning Overview
Parent Information RSE
Remote learning
This learning is for when your child is not in school as they are isolating as a result of a positive case or contact with a positive case.
Yearly Curriculum Overview 2020-21
Remote Learning Spring Term 2021
Click on the icons below to be taken to the remote learning each week.
If you want to find extra activities or resources, you'll find those by clicking on the star.