
The Vine Inter-Church

Primary School

...opening hearts and minds...

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Year 1

Half termly overview - Summer 2

Half termly Overview - Summer 1

Remote learning grid Spring 2

Welcome to Year 1!

We would like to welcome you all to Year 1. We hope that you have all had a lovely summer break and would like to say how excited we all are to see you on Monday 7th. We have been very busy over the past few weeks setting up Amber and Topaz classrooms for you and planning and organising lots of amazing learning activities for our first half term together. We are sure that we will all have so much fun! 

Each week we will put an overview of what we will be covering in class on this page just so you know what your child is learning. We will also post all of our half termly overviews, any letters we may send out and examples of some of our learning in class too. Please check the website regularly so you can keep up to date with what we are doing. 


Here is Amber and Topaz Class with their festive songs and poems. We hope you enjoy them. Happy Christmas from us all. 

Please check out the blog where you will find photos and examples of our learning in Year 1.


Below is a link to videos about how we teach Maths, Reading, Phonics and Handwriting in Year 1.  There is also a video explaining our daily routines. 

Remote Learning Grid

Amber Class Everywhere Bear

Topaz Class Everywhere Bear

Friday 4th - Welcome Activity
