Archive Year 6
Remote Learning
Completed work and questions please email
Please follow this link for Year 6 Remote Learning Videos
Thank you Year 6 for all of your hard work over the last 2 weeks, you have really embraced remote school and engaged well in all of the remote learning that we have set you. We have loved receiving your emails, seeing your learning and finding out what you have been doing. Well done and keep it up!
We have now made it to the end of term! Over the 2 week Easter holiday, we will not be setting any learning for you to do and you do not have to email us. However, we have come up with an activity sheet full of ideas of fun things to do over the holiday if you would like to have a go at completing them. You can find the overview here... If you do complete any of the tasks, we would love to see them so feel free to email photos/videos over to us after the holiday.
Have a lovely Easter holiday and we will see you again on Monday 20th April!
Week Commencing 30.03.20
Welcome back to week 2 of remote learning!
Here is your weekly update letter from the teachers - have a read to see what we have been up to this weekend.
Worship - please watch this video from Bill for your worship this week.
Weekly Foundation Subjects Overview
Here are your tasks for the foundation subjects this week...
Friday 3rd April 2020
Happy Fri-yay!
Here is your English and Maths learning for today:
COMPETITION TIME! As it is the last day of term, we want to have a bit of fun! Today, we would like to you dress up in your craziest outfit whilst you do your learning. Take a picture of you in your crazy clothes and email it to us. We are looking for the craziest outfit to crown our winner. Check back later to see who has won!
WINNERS: Well done to everyone for your amazing entries! You made us all smile today. It was a very hard choice so here are our winners....
Congratulations to ... Daisy, Mila, Oriana, Abbie E, Finley, Ashton, Ilani, Josh L, Elliot, RJ and Livia!
The Year 6 Team even joined in on our zoom meeting this morning! Here is our entry...
Thursday 2nd April 2020
Good morning, Year 6! Thank you for the giggles yesterday. Don't worry - there are no more pranks today! We have seen some amazing learning this week and lots of great videos - people reading to us, demonstrating PE routines, even showing us what they like to do in their spare time! Keep the videos (and photos) coming in - we love seeing your happy faces! And don't forget to drop us an email this morning if you haven't already been in touch yet this week.
Here is your English and Maths learning for today:
If you have been struggling to open the Power Point there is now a PDF version too.
Wednesday 1st April 2020
Pinch, Punch, First of the Month.
Happy Wednesday Year 6! Please remember that you need to email at least twice a week (one with a copy of your learning). We haven't had many emails so far We will start to make phone calls soon if we haven't heard from you.
Please find your English and Maths tasks below. There is also a spelling activity for you to do today!
Before you start your learning today, have a look at this amazing email that we were sent this morning. Miss Foster, Mrs Thompson and Mr Richardson are really excited by this fantastic opportunity! The reply needs to be written by a child so if you are interested, please email your responses to us and we will forward them on to Google...
Spelling Task
We have identified some tricky words that you have been spelling incorrectly in the learning you have sent to us recently. Please have a go at practising these with the task below - a word search. Word searches are a great (and fun) way of practising spellings.
Tuesday 31st March 2020
Good morning Year 6! Where were you yesterday? We didn't get many emails from you! Please remember to stay in touch, we get lonely if we don't hear from you
Here is your learning for today. Enjoy!
Monday 30th March 2020
Happy Monday!
Here are your English and Maths tasks for today...
Week Commencing 23.03.20
Good Morning Year 6! Welcome to week 1 of remote learning!
Please read this letter first before starting your remote learning tasks...
Weekly Foundation Subjects Overview:
Here are your tasks for the foundation subjects this week...
Friday 27th March 2020
Happy Friday! Thank you for all your support this week. We are extremely proud of how well you have adjusted to this new way of learning - well done! If you haven't already checked in twice this week, please could you drop us another email today. Also, if you haven't shown us any of your learning yet, we would love you to send us some (this can be a photo or an attachment of typed/scanned in learning).
Have a fantastic weekend!
Here is your English and Maths learning for today:
Check out the video on this site to help with today's learning.
Thursday 26th March 2020
Good morning, Year 6! It's been lovely catching up with you all, these past few days! Yesterday we had an explosion of pet pictures - your pets have certainly been up to some strange and amusing things! There are still some of you who have not checked in with us yet - please message us this morning so we don't have to chase you! Remember, you need to email us at least twice a week ( Have another lovely day!
Here is your English and Maths learning for today:
Check out the video on this website to help!
Wednesday 25th March 2020
Happy Wednesday Year 6! How are you today?
Thank you to everyone who has sent us emails already this week - we have seen some excellent learning! It has been lovely to hear what you have been up to at home. Thank you Yara for sharing entertaining stories of your cat and thank you Charlotte for making us smile with a dog picture! Remember: you need to email us at least twice a week so if we have not heard from you already, we expect to hear from you very soon! (
Here is your English and Maths learning for today, enjoy!
Tuesday 24th March 2020
Hi Year 6! We hope you enjoyed the learning yesterday. It was very quiet in school without you.
Here are your English and Maths tasks for today. Remember to stay in touch!
Monday 23rd March 2020
Here are your English and Maths tasks for today...