
The Vine Inter-Church

Primary School

...opening hearts and minds...

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Week commencing Monday 29th June

Good morning everyone,

We hope you are all OK and have had a good week so far (despite this ever changing weather!). We want to let you know that tomorrow, Friday 3rd July, will be the last day we can upload to, and access, Tapestry. We are going to begin downloading the children’s learning journeys. We will then be able to email them to you before the end of term so you have a copy of your child’s year in FS2. This means that if you are still at home remote schooling we will need you to email the learning to us via the FS2 email address We would like you to check in with us at least twice throughout the week so we can see how you are getting on and offer support if necessary. If your child is in school this means you will not see any observations from school uploaded to Tapestry starting next week.

We hope this makes sense, please feel free to email us with any questions.

Best wishes

Mrs Westwood, Mrs Grimshaw and Miss Gray

Weekly Maths Learning
Weekly English Learning 
Weekly Foundation Grid