Goodbye Year 6!
Dearest Year 6,
WOW! Where has the year gone? It seems like only yesterday that you first joined us in Year 6. It hasn’t quite been the year that we all expected, however it is one that will always be remembered. We are so proud you of and the way you have risen to the challenges thrown at you throughout the year; from preparing for your SATs in school to independently continuing your learning at home. We have been blown away by your strength of character during these unprecedented times. You have proved to us, and yourselves, that you are ready to move on to your secondary schools and we know that you will all flourish there.
This isn’t the way we envisaged waving you off or saying goodbye, but we are looking forward to celebrating the end of your Vine journey next term when we can all be together again. In the meantime, we have put together a few little bits to mark the end of Year 6.
Remember, this is not a last goodbye but simply ‘see you soon’!
Have a super summer and stride confidently into Year 7!
Lots of love and best wishes,
Miss Foster, Mr Richardson and Mrs Thompson
Year 6 Leavers' Song: Once I Started The Vine
Here is your leavers' song. Well done, you sound amazing!...
Year 6, Once I Started The Vine, Final Track.mp3
Year Book!
A little something to remember everyone by! You each have a page containing your portrait (of you in your favourite Year 6 memory), your 'Key To Success' (what you have learnt at The Vine which will help you to unlock your future) and your Year 6 WOW Award...
Graffiti Wall
Your messages to each other...
Class Photo
Check your ParentMail for details on how to get hold of your class photo from Kittles.