
The Vine Inter-Church

Primary School

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w/c 11th Jan 21

Friday 15th January

Thank you for all your fantastic learning this week, it is great to see all your efforts and your smiley faces!  We look forward to seeing today's learning and wish you all a relaxing weekend smiley Well done everyone!

Maths (approximately 1 hour)

Today as it's Friday we are going to do some 'sticky learning' which means that we are going to revisit some previous skills to help them stick in our brains!  We will be practising the skills we have covered this week as well as revisiting some learning from last term.  There is a video of our sticky learning quiz questions which can be paused while  your write or draw the answers into your remote learning book.  When you have finished the quiz play the second video and see how you  have done.  Give yourself a big tick for all your correct answers! Let us know how you did and if there is anything you would like us to help you with.  Have your hundred square and number line handy to help you.

Before you do the quiz please remember to do the warm up.  Today it is a song to remind us how numbers in the teens are made from tens and ones.  This will link to our learning about place value and higher numbers next week.  


Today for English there are three activities for you to complete, which should take you approximately an hour. 

First we would like you to join in with our phonics video and revise the chatty friends 'a-e' and 'i-e'. After that you can play another phonics game, called 'Picnic on Pluto'. It would be great if you have a go at reading some more 'a-e' and 'i-e' words and decide which ones are fake and real. You can find the link to the phonics game below. Please press play and choose phase 5, you will then be able to click on the sounds. Have fun playing!

There is a handwriting video for you to watch as well. Today we are going to focus on writing the 'z' and 'x'. There is a link to the handwriting website below. Remember to watch the short instructions on this website before you start writing. We are looking forward to see your beautiful handwriting!


Art (approximately 1 hour)

We really enjoyed your great artwork last week and loved seeing all the amazing astronauts you made. 

Today we are going to continue with our space topic and design our own rocket. There is a video for you to watch which will tell you exactly what you will need to do to make your design. We are looking forward to see your amazing work again.

Let's get creative!

Thursday 14th January

Maths (approximately 1 hour)

Today in Maths we are warming up by practising our counting in 10s skills.  We were really good with this skill last term so we are sure you will do brilliantly! This skill will be really useful next week when we are learning about place value and numbers to 100.  Use the song to help you and if you are feeling confident why not try counting in 10s all  the way to 200 for a challenge?


Our main focus today is: Can I write a fact family? This builds on our learning yesterday, exploring the relationship between addition and subtraction. Today we are extending this to higher numbers, within 20.  The teaching video is in two parts and all the instructions are in Ms Manning's presentation below.


This morning we will be emailing you your guided reading and follow up comprehension activity. There is no need to print out the sheets. It is OK to just discuss the questions, like we do in class. If you did want to write the answers in your remote learning books then that's great too! 

There is a spelling activity for today. Below you will find a link to a video explaining how we practise our spellings in school and directing you to this week's spellings. They should be in your remote learning packs which were sent home and are labelled 'Week 2'. This week we are focusing on spelling words with double consonants at the end. 

For phonics today we are revising the 'oa' sound. For an extra challenge after we've completed the Fred Fingers part, see if you can write down any extra words which have the 'oa' sound in. 

Story time

Mrs Bennett is reading the last part of Grandpa was an Astronaut. We hope you've enjoyed listening to this story, we've also been reading it in school too! 

Your English remote learning should take 1 hour today. 

Science (approximately 1 hour)

Today in Science we are continuing with our topic on Materials.  Our focus is Can I identify properties of materials?  Properties means the things that are special about materials which make them useful for a particular job. Today you will be looking around your home to collect materials with a certain property, for example an object made from a transparent material.  You will then be thinking about why a certain material has been chosen to make a particular object.  There are two teaching videos to watch which will explain more.  There is also a word list (which can be copied or printed out) and a short video to watch about properties of materials and their uses.  Have fun and we look forward to seeing your learning!

Wednesday 13th January

Good morning Year 1. We had a fabulous time looking at all of your Eatwell plates yesterday, well done for such a great job! 



For your English today we would like you to watch the video about The Moon Landing. There is a PDF of the video below if you wanted to challenge yourself and read it too! Once you've watched the video you will need to watch the second part where Mrs Bennett will explain the activity. Today our focus is to sequence events in the correct order. To extend your learning today you could add a label to each of the pictures to explain what it is of. Remember a label can be 1 or 2 words and not a sentence. 

For your phonics today we are practising the sound 'aw'. Please watch the video and follow the the activities.

Story Time

Mrs Bennett is reading the second part of Grandpa was an Astronaut. I wonder if Grandpa was one of the astronauts who first went to the moon? What do you think? 

Your English today should take approximately 1 hour. 

English - The Moon Landing PDF

Maths (approximately 1 hour)

Today in Maths we are warming up by practising our number pairs for 8.  Play the song using the link below, then practise saying or writing all the pairs of numbers which add up to 8. 


Our focus today is Can I write a fact family? This explores the relationship between addition and subtraction, for example if we know 2 + 3 = 5, then we also know that 3 + 2 = 5, 5 - 2 = 3 and 5 - 3 = 2.  There are two teaching videos to watch (part 1 and 2).  There is also a copy of Ms Manning's presentation which includes the task instructions.   Today we are working within 10, tomorrow we will be extending this by writing a fact family within 20.


Today in RE we are going to learn about the good news, also called Gospel, that Jesus brings to the people in the world.

We will find out how Jesus' disciples have written down Jesus' news and stories in the bible and how Jesus wants to teach us how to be a good Christian. For your home learning, we would like you to draw a picture in which you show what good news Jesus brings us. There is a video for you to explain it all. This learning will take you approximately 1 hour to complete.

Tuesday 12th January 

We hope you all had a good day yesterday and enjoyed your learning!


Maths (approximately 1 hour)

Our focus today is still finding the difference between two numbers.  Yesterday we used objects and drawings to help us see how many more/less one number is than the other. Today you will need your number line from your pack to help you.  You will be finding both numbers on your number line and counting how many jumps you need to make to get from the lower number to the higher one.  If you finish think of some examples of your own to do and don't forget to send us your 'Hot Challenge' answers!  There is a teaching video to watch and a copy of Ms Manning's presentation below.  This includes the questions to write into your books.

Please remember to practise your counting backwards skills as our warm up today.  There is a link to a song below to help you. Our target in Year 1 is to count back from at least 100 so keep practising! 


Today in English our focus is being able to write sentences correctly, using finger spaces, full stops and capital letters. This follows on from our remote learning yesterday where we read the non-fiction text about the sun and the moon. If you were unable to complete this remote learning then please either watch the video of Mrs Bennett reading the information text or you can find a PDF of the text below to read first. There is a video for you to watch which will help remind you about what sentences need and give you some examples. If you would like to challenge yourself see if you can write 5 or 6 sentences. 

In phonics today we are practising the sound 'i-e'. Both these activities will take approximately 1 hour to complete. It was great to see how many of you used the words we practised yesterday to make your own sentences up. Great job! Please don't forget to email us your remote learning so we can see how fantastically well you are all doing.


Story time

Today Mrs Bennett is starting to read a very exciting story called 'Grandpa was an Astronaut'. Part 1 is ready for you to watch in the video resource centre. This story fits in really well with our space topic!

Design & Technology

Today for your D&T we would like you to start by reading the PDF file below. This is some Sticky Learning form our session last week where we were learning about where our food comes from. Then there is a video for you to watch about healthy eating. Our focus today is to be able to identify why we need to eat a range of healthy foods. Today we would like you to create your own Eatwell plate. This is explained in the video. There is an additional clip for you to watch with some extra examples to help you. This should take approximately an hour to complete. We look forward to seeing your healthy plates! 

Design & Technology - Where does our food come from?

Monday 11th January

Good morning Year 1, we hope that you've all had a lovely restful weekend. It's been very chilly outside hasn't it!


Maths (approximately 1 hour)

Today in Maths we are learning to find the difference between two numbers using objects and drawing.  This links to last week's learning about subtraction.  There is a link to the teaching video below as well as the presentation containing the examples and questions.  Please warm those Maths brains up first by singing along to the Number Pairs for 7 song!


Today for your English we are focusing on finding out information using a non-fiction book. There is a video for you to watch of Mrs Bennett reading a non-fiction book all about the sun and the moon. There is also a copy of the book below. To extend your learning you could read the book yourself. For some Sticky Learning (practising our skills and knowledge from previous lessons) there are tricky words for you to practise reading too on each of the pages. Once you have listened to the information there are some questions for you to answer, these are attached below. There is no need for you to print the questions off, it's OK to just write the answers in your remote learning books. 

For phonics today we are practising the sound 'a-e'. To extend your learning please have a go at writing a sentence for each of the words we practise spelling. Both your English and your phonics should take approximately 1 hour. 

Below you can find out about Everywhere Bear's adventures with Mrs Bennett this weekend. It's called 'My Weekend' 

There is also a story for you to listen to. Today it has been requested by someone in Amber class, we hope you enjoy it



It's time to get active and do some PE. Today we will have a go at practising our throwing and catching skills. It would be great if you can do this learning outside and get some fresh air as well. All you need for your lesson today is a ball, any size is ok and something you can use as markers or cones. There are two video's (part 1 and 2) for you which will explain all your activities. How many times can you throw and catch your ball without dropping it on the floor.


Mr. Richardson has made a video 'Target Time' as well which shows you how you can practise throwing a ball at a target. It would be great to have a go with this as well to practise your throwing skills even more. You can find this video on our video resource centre under PE. Both PE activities should take you approximately 1 hour. Have fun!
