
The Vine Inter-Church

Primary School

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w/c 18 Jan 2021

Friday 22nd January 


Please have a look on Tapestry actvities for a reading video.


Focus - Can you have an opinion about a story, did you like it?


Please draw your favourtie part of the story, was it good? Could the story have been better?

Can you upload your child's opinion about the story onto Tapestry please.


(approx 1 hour)

Focus: Can I measure short periods of time?

Welcome to your last Maths learning of the week.  We hope you enjoyed your subtracting activities this week, you have all been doing an amazing job!  To end the week, we are going to be looking at measurements of time.  Please watch the video from Miss Davenport, where your activity is explained.  This is a more practical activity however, it would be great if you could have a practise of your number formation, from 0-20.  Remember those teen numbers will always have a 1 at the start. 

Deeper question: Can you spot any patterns in your teen numbers?

We look forward to hearing about your measurements of time.


(Approx. 1 hour)

Focus: Can you recognise similarities and differences between the ways that families live their lives?

Watch Mrs Westwood's video and look at the PowerPoint below. Can you talk about how people's lives in different countries are different to ours? What is similar? What is different? Maybe you could research online about a different country not included in the PowerPoint and share some facts about their lives with us!

Get Active!

Are you up for the challenge?

It's time to get moving!  Have a look at the following grid and see how many challenges you can complete throughout the week. Have a go each day to see if you can improve your score.

Thursday 21st January


(approx 1 hour)

Focus - Can you say and write down describing words?

Have a go at creating your own troll! Can you draw your own idea of a troll? What colour hair would he/she have? After you have drawn your troll can you have a go at writing down the describing words. If you can tell your parent the beginning sounds well done but if  you can have a go at sounding it out then that's great.  I wonder what your troll who say?


(approx 1 hour)

Focus: Can I subtract using a number line?

Fantastic subtraction using pictures yesterday!  Well done!  Today is our last piece of learning on subtraction so we are going to put your skills from the last couple of days, to the test.  We are going to show our subtraction using a number line.  Please watch Miss Davenport explain how to use the number line.  Take extra care that when you count, you start to count once you have jumped on the line. We have attached some number sentences for you to try but you can also have a go at your own.  Also, there is a number line you can print off but please do not worry if you can't as you can draw a simple number line.

Challenge:  Can you try subtraction from numbers up to 20?

Understanding the world

(approx 1 hour)

Focus - Can you show old and new?


Have a look at the video where Miss Gray talks about Amelia Earhart. Can you find the old and new areoplanes? What is similar and different with the areoplanes? It would be great if you could show which planes are old and which are new. You can cut out some of the pictures and label them old or new. If you are really interested can you do more research with the help of an adult about areoplanes. If you are able to can you draw lots of different types of aeroplanes. 

Wednesday 20 January 2021



(approx 1 hour)

Focus - Can you write the letters correctly?


Watch the video Miss Gray has put up about letter formation. We are focusing on the a,d,g,q,o,c letters. This is so important as the children need to start at the right place and finish with a lead out. This will allow them in later years to develop their handwriting and join the letters in a cursive way. I have also connected another video from youtube which shows some hand and finger excerises which will help with muscle development.

The second part of the video is introducing the children to the names of the letters. You do not have write them.


(approx 1 hour)

Focus:  Can i show subtraction using pictures?

Well done for your great subtraction yesterday, using objects!  Today we are going to build on our subtraction skills, this time using pictures to help us find the answer.  Please watch the video from Miss Davenport and have a go at drawing your subtractions.  Pause the video at the end where you will find some number sentences to have a go at.  Challenge:  If you want to have a try, why not use bigger numbers for the amount you start with and the amount you take away.

Religious Education

(approx 1 hour)

Focus - Can you investigate the traditions of birthdays?

Miss Gray's video will explain the focus. We are looking at the traditions of birthdays around the world. The youtube clip has lots of different nationality singing their own birthday song! Can you watch it and share with us your birthday traditions or sing in different languages Happy birthday. It is amazing how other countries celebrate birthdays.

Tuesday 19 January 2021



(approx 1 hour)


Focus - Can you write a sentence?


Watch the video and edit the sentence, which Miss Gray has got wrong! Afterwards have a go at writing your own sentence. Please remember to talk to your child about the sentence they want to write. Write it down for them and ask them to cut out the words. Mix up the words and ask your child to put it back into order and to read it out. Finally, copy the sentence down using your best handwriting. If you are able to add a picture that would be great.

Extension - Can you write a sentence which needs to be edited just like Miss Gray's. Teach your family or send a video so Miss Gray can edit it.


(1 hour)

Focus: Can I subtract 2 numbers?

Please watch the video from Miss Davenport, all about subtraction.  We would like you to practise your subtraction skills with objects you can find in your house.  Have a go at saying the number sentence out loud! We look forward to seeing your subtraction photos on tapestry.

Art / Design Technology

(1 hour)

Focus: Can I build a bridge?

Please watch the video from Miss Davenport all about building a bridge for the Three Billy Goats Gruff.  Do you think you can have a go at constructing your own bridge?  Think about how you will support the structure and how it needs to be strong enough so it doesn't collapse. How could you make it stronger if it fell down? Make sure you test it out by putting a toy on it. We look forward to seeing your finished bridge.

Monday 18 January 2021



Please have a look on Tapestry for your phonics learning this week.  (Approx. 15 minutes per day)


Focus - Can you sequence a story? (Approx. 1 hour)

Please watch the video of Miss Gray reading 'The three Billy Goats Gruff'. Can you sequence the story of this traditional tale. What happened first, middle and at the end of the story?




(Approx. 1 hour) 

Focus: I can recognise and show the number 13?

Please watch the first video all about the number 13.  Then watch the video from Miss Davenport, explaining todays learning.  You will be using your counting skills to 13.  Can you challenge yourself and tell us what is one more and one less than 13. Have a go at practising your teen numbers, can you put them in order, really focus on your number formation. We look forward to seeing your learning on tapestry.


Outdoor Learning 

(Approx. 1 hour) 

Focus: How many words and numbers can you find in the outdoor environment?

Watch the video of Mrs Westwood. Whilst out on a walk, count how many numbers and words you can find. Where are the numbers? What do they mean? Where are the words?


