
The Vine Inter-Church

Primary School

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w/c 11 Jan 21

Year 5 Remote School 2021 Spring 1


The format of our remote learning will be in the format of daily videos and learning attached on the Year 5 page on the school website. We will provide English, Maths and one foundation subject per day. In addition to this, the pupils will be expected to read for at least 15 minutes a day, spend 15 minutes practising times tables (Times Tables Rockstars) and 15 minutes on spellings. 


Mrs Lee has put additional learning for you to do at Aspiration Enrichment on the website. Do have a look and see what's available.


There will be two weekly PE videos for you to watch and carry out task. This to ensure you keep active and healthy during Remote School. Joe Wicks is also back doing his workouts - you can join him on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.


Please email us via the Year 5 email ( if you have any questions about the learning and also to inform us of how the remote learning is going at least twice weekly.



We will be in contact with you weekly. We will book you on to the SchoolCloud (as per parent consultations). Please have a look at your emails to check when the booking is for. If your booking isn't suitable do not worry, please email to rearrange beforehand.


Please note you may also receive a phone call during the week to check in on your child's learning, this will come from a withheld or private number so please do pick up.

Friday 15th January 2021
Please find some time to listen to Chapter 4 of The Flying Classroom today.

English (Approx. 1 hour of learning)

In today's English lesson we are doing our usual Friday reading comprehension practice. We are looking at a book called Sabryna and the River Spirit. I would like you to watch the video below and listen to me reading the story extract (if you would like). If you feel confident, then you may just read the text yourself.


Choose one of the two reading comprehension challenges from below. Make sure you read every question carefully, ensure you do what it tells you to, and put an answer for everything - even if a guess. Check and mark your answers afterwards.

Once you have completed your activity listen to me reading the rest of the chapter to you on the 'Chapter 1' video below. It is important you know the story for next Friday's learning. 



Video input: 8 minutes

Listening to the extract: 2-5 minutes

Activity: 35-40 minutes

Listening to rest of chapter: 15 minutes

Maths (1 1/4 hours of learning)

Good morning Year 5. In your maths learning today you will be consolidating your multiplication learning from this week. You will also be revisiting the grid method for multiplication which you did in Year 4. Remember to watch the video first and pause where you need to. Think about the process of doing the calculations and don't rush.

PSHCE (Approx. 1 hour of learning)

Today for your PSHCE learning we will be thinking about how you can challenge yourself to work on developing new skills. We would like you to begin by watching Mrs Wilkins’ video below which explains what you need to do. 

Additional learning (45 minutes)

You must also complete 

- 15 minutes of reading                                          

- 15 minutes times tables practise (TTRS)

- 15 minutes spellings practise

Thursday 14th January 2021

Good morning Year 5. We were so impressed with all your learning yesterday. From written speeches to short multiplication to exciting journeys of raindrops! Keep up the super learning.

Please find below the video for Chapter 3 of The Flying Classroom. Enjoy! 

English (1 hour of learning)

Wow Year 5 I have loved reading the speeches that some of you sent to me yesterday. In today's lesson you are going to edit and improve them before moving on to practising and delivering your speech. I would like you to record your speech as a voice or video recording so that we can share them with each other to watch. Please send these to us so that we can hear your fantastic speeches. If the file is too big, then please send your video or audio file via WeTransfer to our email address.


Remember to speak slowly, clearly and confidently. Imagine you are talking to an audience in a large hall - make your voice travel. Good luck!

Maths (1 1/4 hour of learning)

This morning you are going to start looking at long multiplication. You have to remember the method you used for short multiplication but, in addition, there are a couple of extra steps you must take. Knowing your times tables makes so much of maths more manageable.

Science (1 hour of learning)

Today for your science lesson we will be learning about the parts of a flower and the functions of each part.  We would like you to begin by watching the video below which explains what you need to do.

Additional Tasks (45 minutes of learning):

You must also complete 

- 15 minutes of reading                                          

- 15 minutes times tables practise (TTRS)

- 15 minutes spellings practise 

Wednesday 13th January 2021

Good morning Year 5. We wanted to thank you all for the learning you have been sending in. You are doing an incredible job. Well done and keep it up!

Below you will find a Church Worship video and also Chapter 2 of The Flying Classroom. Please take some time today to watch these.

English (Approx. 1 hour of learning)

Good morning everyone! I loved seeing the topics that you have chosen to write about for your speeches - what an interesting year group you all are. I am so excited to see the speeches that you produce and deliver in the next two lessons. I hope you also enjoyed researching your topics. 


In today's lesson you will be writing your speech from the plan that you made. Hopefully you filled it with information to help you. Begin by watching the video and then use your plan to write your speech.

Remember your success criteria:

Power of three

Explain and use evidence (use facts/statistics)

Rhetorical questions 

Say it again - repeat at the end

Use exaggeration


Discuss just one side of the argument

Emotive language


You need to include (as a minimum): a power of three, evidence, rhetorical questions, adverbs, repetition and discuss just one side of the argument. 


Please send us your learning after you complete it so we can give you feedback before tomorrow's lesson.



Video: 10 minutes

Speech writing and checking: 50 minutes

Maths (1 hour of learning)

For your maths learning today you will be using what you learnt yesterday about short multiplication and increasing the number of digits. Make sure you watch the video carefully and have a go at the examples. Some found the exchanging confusing yesterday. Remember to do the multiplication first and then add anything that was exchanged on.


This morning we would like to you do PE with Joe Wicks - we will be doing it in school, so do join in to the nation's PE lesson!

The link is . It is only about 30 minutes long but a great way to kick start your day! 


Geography (At least 1.5 hours of learning)

Today for your geography lesson we will be learning about the course of a river.  We would like you to begin by watching the video below which explains what you need to do.  There is a diagram for you to download and print for the first task.  I have attached the answers too so you can check when you have finished.

Additional Tasks (45 minutes of learning):

You must also complete 

- 15 minutes of reading                                          

- 15 minutes times tables practise (TTRS)

- 15 minutes spellings practise 

Tuesday 12th January 2021

Good morning Year 5. Well done on all the fabulous Remote Learning you have been sending us. We think you are doing a fantastic job.

On the video below is the first chapter of a book that will be read to you. When you find time in your day (20 minutes), please listen to it. The book is called The Flying Classroom by the author Erich Kastner.

English (At least 1.5 hours of learning)

Today in English we will briefly recap what we have learnt over the last week and we will begin to apply our learning about speeches and persuasive features to planning our own speech. In this session you will decide on a topic for your speech, research your topic and fill out a planning sheet to prepare you to write your speech in tomorrow's session. 


There is a lot to do today and this is important to ensure you're ready to begin writing in tomorrow's lesson. Watch the video, pausing it when you are asked, and complete the activities. It will help you to have the attachments and webpages below opened in different tabs. To do this on a computer, right click on your mouse and select 'open in new tab'. On a iPhone/iPad, hold down the link and click 'open in new tab'. 


Remember to stay safe online and ask your adults for permission before doing research on your topic. 


Timings for today's lesson:

Video: 20 minutes

Deciding on your topic and uploading to Padlet: 5-10 minutes

Researching your topic: 30-45 minutes

Completing your planning sheet: 30 minutes

Maths (1 1/4hours learning)

For your maths learning for today, you will be looking at multiplying 3 digit numbers by a 1 digit number. Remember it is really important to use your knowledge of times tables to complete the tasks. Make sure you watch the video input and answer questions as we go along. Read the success criteria at the top of the questions to help you on your way.

Music (1hr of learning)

For your music today, you are going to:


  • Find the pulse
  • Clap a rhythm
  • Learn a chant
  • Use body percussion with the rhythm


You may wish to use headphones. 


We would love to know how you get on with the chant and so, if you are able to, please record yourself doing it and send it to us! If you are unable to record, please still let us know what you enjoyed about your music learning today. 

Additional Tasks (45 minutes of learning):

You must also complete 

- 15 minutes of reading                                          

- 15 minutes times tables practise (TTRS)

- 15 minutes spellings practise            

Monday 11th January 2021

English (approx. 1.5 hours learning)

In today's lesson we are learning about modal verbs. What is a verb? Can you remember what verbs do in a sentence? Watch the video by clicking the link below. Make sure you pause the video when I say, to complete activities in your remote learning book. The challenges are attached below, with Challenge 3 the hardest. By the end of this lesson you will be able to explain what a modal verb is, identify modal verbs in a sentence, and write your own sentences using modal verbs.


Once you have completed your challenges, self-assess your learning using the answer sheet and complete your 20 minutes of daily reading and 10 minutes of spelling practice.



Watch the video (15 minutes)

Modal verb activities (40-45 minutes)

Self-assessing (5-10 minutes)

Reading (20 minutes)

Spellings (10 minutes)

Maths (1.5 hours learning)

In Maths today we will be looking at multiplying and dividing whole numbers by 10, 100 and 1000. This is learning that we have looked at previously and we need to remember our place value whilst carrying out tasks. When multipling the whole number by 10, 100 or 1000 the answer will be larger so digits will move to the left in terms of place value. When dividing by 10, 100 or 1000 the answer will be smaller with the digits moving right in terms of place value.

RE (1 hours learning)

In RE this half term we will be looking at incarnation, more specifically thinking about the question Was Jesus the Messiah? We will be exploring what incarnation and messiah mean, looking at different prophecies from the Old and New Testaments and which ones match closely together.

PE (30 mins)

It is really important that you remain active throughout the lockdown period. You should be getting daily exercise and actively trying to look after your physical and mental health. At some point today please watch this PE video by Mr Richardson and enjoy completing the activity whilst being active and getting fresh air. 
