Archive Learning Centre
Remote learning
Reading and book themed activities for you to complete at home.
There will be a selection of different challenges and competitions set daily and weekly.
I will be running a ‘design and draw a book cover’ competition for your favourite book (the template
is available below to download). There will be certificates for the most imaginative designs sent to me!
Please contact me for any help and support with reading and book activities and I look forward to seeing
your finished work and competition enteries.
Pop along to the Video Resource Centre for more reading and activities
Learning Centre - Remote Learning Videos
My email address is:
Mrs Irish
Learning Centre Manager
Friday 3rd April
Thursday 2nd April
Wednesday 1st April
Tuesday 31st March
Monday 30th March
Friday 27th March
Thursday 26th March
Wednesday 25th March
Tuesday 24th March
Monday 23rd March