Week commencing Monday 4th May
Thursday 7th May - Maths
Focus: Can you compare and talk about capacity?
Can you play the potions game below, ordering potions by capacity? Watch Mrs Westwood's video where she made her own potion. Can you make a potion? What could you put in your potion? What does you potion do? Use different sized glasses to predict which one you think will hold the most and test with your potion to see if you were right.
(I have uploaded it twice below- the PowerPoint is interactive however I think it only works on a computer or laptop. The PDF will work on all devices however won't be interactive).
Thursday 7th May - English
Focus: Can you write sentences?
Watch the video Mrs Grimshaw read the story ‘Why the Koala has a stumpy tail’.
(The story can also be found below if you would like to read it together as a family.)
Just like yesterday, this dreamtime story has a special message in it.
Can you write down what you think the meaning (special message) in the story is?
Write this as a sentence.
Success criteria: -
- Independent writing
- Capital letter
- Finger spaces
- Full stop.
We would really like to see some more fantastic drawings from the story too.
Wednesday 6th May - Maths
Focus: Can you compare and talk about weight?
You have been doing a great job with measures this week. Today we are looknig at weight. Watch the PowerPoint below (it has a game section) and answer the questions about the heavier or lighter objects. Can you solve the problems below?
Wednesday 6th May - English
Focus: Can you write sentences?
Watch the video Mrs Grimshaw read the story ‘How the birds got their colours’.
(The story can also be found below if you would like to read it together as a family.)
The story has a special message in it, which is also known as a meaning. This is when it teaches you something, just like some of the stories we hear in worship sometimes.
Can you write down what you think the meaning (special message) in the story is?
Write this as a sentence.
Success criteria: -
- Independent writing
- Capital letter
- Finger spaces
- Full stop.
We’d love to see you draw a picture from the story too.
Tuesday 5th May - Maths
Focus: Can you compare and talk about height?
Well done with yesterday's learning about length, I really enjoyed seeing you measure your longest and shortest toys as well as comparing cooked to uncooked spaghetti! Today is very similar but about height. Watch the video and talk about height. Can you answer the questions below?
Tuesday 5th May - English
Focus: Can you answer questions?
This week, we are moving from the south pole over to Australia!
Watch the video of Mrs Grimshaw reading facts about Australia and then answer the questions: -
How long does it take to fly to Australia from the UK?
Is Australia in the northern or southern part of the world?
Is Australia bigger or smaller than the UK?
Challenge: - Can you write a question for something you would like to know about Australia?
Write your answers and questions in your remote learning book. We're looking forward to seeing lots of independent writing.
Monday 4th May - Maths
Focus: Can you compare and talk about length?
Watch the video and talk about the words we use when measuring length. What can you use in your house to measure the length of some objects? Can you find some long and short things? Can you solve the length problems on the sheet below?
Monday 4th May - English
Focus: Can you make a thank you poster?
Last week we made a missing poster for the penguin.
Today, we would like you to make a thankyou poster for the key workers that are helping look after everyone.
We would like to make a special video from Ruby and Coral class to say a great big thank you!
If you would like to say thank you with your poster, get your grown-ups to email a video clip of you saying thank you, holding the poster you have made.
Email: FS2@thevine.cambs.sch.uk
If you don’t want to be filmed, put your poster on tapestry and we will still include it!
Challenge: Write a message on your poster.