Week Commencing: Monday 4th May
Welcome Back!
Only 4 days of Remote Learning this week - you get Friday off to celebrate VE day!
Before you start your learning, here is your weekly update from the teachers...
Weekly Foundation Subjects Overview:
Here are your tasks for the foundation subjects this week...
Thursday 7th May 2020
Good morning, everybody! Hasn't the week gone quickly? We are pretending that today is like Friday, so we have another fun 'Friday' competition for you. As it is the end of the school week, we would also like to remind those of you who haven't yet emailed in this week to please do so this morning, so we can tick you off our list. Swimming surveys also need to be back in today if not already returned - this information is for us to put on your secondary school transfer forms, which we will be completing and sending off next week. We hope you all have a lovely extended break this weekend and enjoy the VE Day celebrations. Don't forget to send us photographs to share what you get up to! We miss seeing your faces in person, so photographs really are the next best thing!
COMPETITION TIME!!! This week we have the...Best Brunch Competition! Send in a photo of your breakfast or lunch. Cook something delicious for breakfast/lunch today or present your meal in a creative way (e.g. beans on toast as a smiley face or make a rainbow with your food). The most delicious looking meals and the best presented meals will be crowned the winners. Emails must be sent in by 1:45pm (ready to be judged at 2pm). Good luck and have fun!
WINNERS!!! Thank you for all of your entries this week, they all looked delicious. This week's winners are...
Ilani, Isabel, Maja, Abbie E, Abi R and Mila! Well done!
Have a look at the teachers' entries below...
Wednesday 6th May 2020
2 days down, 2 days to go! Remember, it's a short week so get your emails in early - you only have today and tomorrow. (We don't want to have to give you a call tomorrow because you forgot.)
Keep up the fantastic work everybody! You are doing amazingly and you are producing excellent learning, well done! Remember, stay safe, keep smiling and have a lovely day.
Here is your English and Maths learning...
Tuesday 5th May 2020
Happy Tuesday! Fingers crossed for a sunny day today! Fun Fact: Did you know that it is physically impossible for a pig to look up at the sky? (They can't bend their necks enough.)
Anyway, enough of that, here is your English and Maths learning for today, enjoy!
Monday 4th May 2020
Good morning Year 6! We trust that you had a great weekend and that you are ready for your new week of learning. There are a variety of activities/tasks for you to have a go at this week so have fun. We are really looking forward to reading your emails again this week. Why not send one today? Get the first check-in over and done with!
Here are your English and Maths tasks for today...