
The Vine Inter-Church

Primary School

...opening hearts and minds...

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Archive Year 2

Remote Learning

Completed work and questions please email

Please follow this link for Year 2 Remote Learning Videos


Poem of the Day

The poem of the day is for reading together and enjoying smiley

Taken from 'The Works 4 chosen by Pie Corbett and Gaby Morgan'

Happy Friday! 

We have come to the end of our second week of Remote School. It has been a strange situation to be in, but we have been so pleased and proud of the way that everyone has pulled together. Thank you for all your hard work.

Enjoy your two week Easter break and we look forward to continuing learning on the 20th of April smiley




English  w/b 30.03.2020

Thursday and Friday Learning

Wednesday Learning


Don't forget to learn your Galaxy of Spelling words and ask someone to test you.

We have added a power point presentation to practise some of the Galaxy of Spellings words too.

These are also known as Common Exception Words


All the Galaxy of Spelling lists:

Tuesday Learning

Monday Learning

Maths  w/b 30.03.2020

Friday 3rd April Focus: Can I solve calculations?

Thursday 2nd April Focus: Can I choose the 'best' number?

Wednesday 1st April Focus; Can I compare capacity?

Tuesday 31st March Focus: Can I problem solve using ml?

Monday 30th March Focus: Can I read scales used for measuring capacity?

Foundation Subjects Grid

Week Beginning 30.03.2020

PSHCE Focus: What can I remember about staying safe with medicines?

PE Focus: Can I use my knowledge of 'ball' and 'tall' shapes to create my own gymnastics routine?

RE Focus: Can I ask and answer questions about the Easter story?


English  w/b 23.03.2020

Maths  w/b 23.03.2020

Friday 27th March Focus: Can I divide and find fractions of amounts?

Thursday 25th March Focus: Can I read scales accurately?

Wednesday 25th March Focus: Can I understand grams and kilograms?

Tuesday 24th March Focus: Can I compare and order different lengths?

Lesson Focus: Can I choose which to use when measuring - cm or m?

Foundation Subjects Grid

Week Beginning 23.03.2020


Spring 2

Invitation to an English lesson

Spring 1

What a Mathematical and poetic Year 2 trip to Cambridge and the Fitzwilliam Museum!

Invitation to an Arithmetic lesson

Spring Homelearning

Autumn 2

Thank you to everyone who came to watch our Nativity!


Year 2 Nativity 'Children of the World' Our Angel Messengers

Autumn 1

Year 2  Expectations

English Resources
