Week beginning 13th July 2020
Hello Turquoise and Jasper class,
We hope you had a lovely weekend and managed to make the most of the sunshine. If you would like to share what you did at the weekend with us, please share this via the year group email.
Welcome to your final week of remote learning, and final week of Year 3! Your learning this week looks slightly different; there are still daily maths and English tasks, but they are set out differently to the previous weeks. There is still video content to guide you through these tasks. Then, there is the foundation grid which also has some different activities for you to have a go at.
Please make sure to email us twice during the week to let us know how you are getting on, or if you have any questions.
Also, thank you for all your continued hard work and commitment to your learning. We have been blown away with the way you have adapted to remote school, and all the wonderful learning you have been doing. It has also been great to see lots of you still smiling during these unexpected times. Well done all of you.
We look forward to seeing your final week's learning. Have fun!
Miss Plane and Mr Hoque