
The Vine Inter-Church

Primary School

...opening hearts and minds...

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Extra resources and links

On this page you will find some links to different websites that you can use on top of your daily remote learning we upload for maths, English and foundation subjects. Make sure you do the learning that you are given first but there are lots of fun activities to do alone and with family members during remote school. 



Kids' stories and poem videos by Michael Rosen:

Audible - free Children's books during remote school:

Authorfy - free author masterclasses, great for budding authors:



TT Rockstars:

Maths Frame - some good maths games for free. Make sure you pick ones that will help you learn maths

Nrich Maths - fantastic maths activities, games and resources to get you thinking:



GoNoodle - short, fun videos for staying active and boosting mental wellbeing:

Calm Moment - children's 'sleepy podcast':

Children's mindfulness and meditations:

Relax Kids - calm pack, helping children to relax:



Learn Together Cambridgeshire - lots of ideas for PE at home:

NHS Disney 10 minute shake-ups:

BBC Supermovers - active lessons and videos based across different subjects -

Change4Life A-Z activities:

Get Set - get ready for Tokyo 2021:




Geography games:

Information and games for children: 



Crash Course fun science videos:

NASA kids club - great for space enthusiasts:

The Royal Institution: Science Lives Here. Science experiments at home: 

Sublime Science 101 free science experiments:



The British Museum - 100 objects from museums to explore:


Art and Design:

A website full of art projects for children: 

The Tate Kids - make, create, art games and quizzes:



Blockly - learn computer programming skills, fun and free:

Scratch -  creative computer programming:

Dance Mat Typing - learn touch typing for free:

Hour of Code - lots of coding activities:



Duolingo Spanish - learn Spanish vocabulary for free:

Online Spanish games - great for practising vocabulary:

Credit for reading comprehension texts

1) Eating by Carol Ballard (Wayland Publishers)

2) DK Eyewitness Food by Laura Buller (DK publishing)
