
The Vine Inter-Church

Primary School

...opening hearts and minds...

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Archive Year 3

                        Remote Learning

Completed work, and questions please email

Please follow this link for Year 3 Remote Learning Videos



Miss Plane's DT pizza

Remote Learning Maths 01.04.20

Remote learning English 30.03.20

Remote Learning Foundation Grid 30.03.20

Good morning Year 3!

Thank you for all the fantastic remote learning you have been doing. It's so wonderful to see you all so focused and engaged from home. And thank you parents for checking in with us, we really appreciate all you are doing. 


We are aware that you received a parent mail regarding timestables rockstars. We are gathering login details and setting it up as quickly as possible. Once they are ready, these details will be sent to you. 


Thank you for your understanding.


Best wishes,

Mr Hoque and Miss Plane :) 

Remote Learning Foundation grid 24.03.20

Remote learning P.E activities

Maths Remote Learning 18.03.20


Hi all, 


Sorry for the confusion, I've changed the 'extension' to 'challenge' as there seems to be some kind of formatting issue?


1. If you have downloaded the file name 'extension' please ignore the part about number line. Just use the formal method to solve.


2. Challenge pdf is the same problem but renamed.


I hope this makes sense.


Mr Hoque

Remote Learning Maths Wednesday 18th March 2020


Subtracting: three digit numbers and basic regrouping

This is a helpful video from Khan Academy explaining how we can regroup when we are subtracting.

Adding three-digit numbers with regrouping

This video is a useful video from Khan Academy explaining how we can add regrouping.

Home Learning Task 4

Spring Home Learning
