
The Vine Inter-Church

Primary School

...opening hearts and minds...

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Year 1

Welcome to Year 1 - Amber and Topaz Classes

Home Learning

Out of Africa!


Our topic overview and timetable for the Summer term is now added below. 

This term we will not have a timetable for show and tell. We have asked the children if they have anything which is related to our topic on Africa they may share it with us on a Monday afternoon. This may be a story, pictures, facts which they have found out but it must be related to our topic. If you have any questions or queries regarding this please do not hesitate to speak to us. Many thanks.

We've added a link below to the Loo, Cover, Write, Check game which helps children recognise and spell those tricky words. It's also available as an app too.


Phonics Screening Presentation

Maths Workshop Thank you to those who attended this week. For those who couldn't make it here is the presentation and a selection of handouts.

Learning Italian

Still image for this video
We have been learning how to say some Christmas words in Italian!



We are wondering who has been enjoying reading their books on Bug Club this weekend?

Remember your log in details are stuck inside the front cover of your Reading Record. There is a hyperlink to the website at the bottom of this page. Please let us know if you're having any trouble using this. Happy reading!

Investigating Materials
